Is Homeopathy Just Placebo?

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A review of the best science on the usefulness of homeopathy to treat a variety of conditions.


What about homeopathy? Not for canker sores—but for ADHD, asthma, cancer, dementia, influenza, and the induction of labor?

A meta-analysis of all the best studies was published this year covering all those conditions. Homeopathy: good, bad, or a waste of money? According to the best science we have: useless.

Homeopathy advocates claim that the medical establishment’s campaign against them is no more than a witch hunt. It didn’t help matters this year, when the British Medical Association declared homeopathy is “witchcraft.”

To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. This is just an approximation of the audio contributed by veganmontreal.

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What about homeopathy? Not for canker sores—but for ADHD, asthma, cancer, dementia, influenza, and the induction of labor?

A meta-analysis of all the best studies was published this year covering all those conditions. Homeopathy: good, bad, or a waste of money? According to the best science we have: useless.

Homeopathy advocates claim that the medical establishment’s campaign against them is no more than a witch hunt. It didn’t help matters this year, when the British Medical Association declared homeopathy is “witchcraft.”

To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. This is just an approximation of the audio contributed by veganmontreal.

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Doctor's Note

For more on potential placebos in medicine, check out these videos:
Do Antidepressant Drugs Really Work?
The Lie That Heals: Should Doctors Give Placebos?
Can Cranberry Juice Treat Bladder Infections?

And check out my other videos on common nutrition myths

For more context, check out my associated blog post:  Half of Doctors Give Placebos

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