Dr. Greger’s New DVD

The newest volume of my Latest in Clinical Nutrition DVD series launches today. Order on my website or through Amazon (all proceeds go to keeping NutritionFacts.org up and running).

The current batch of videos from volume 13 on NutritionFacts.org are set to run out soon, so starting mid-month and running through September I’ll be rolling out the videos from this new DVD, volume 14. The DVDs give folks the opportunity to sneak-preview videos months ahead of time, watch them all straight through, and share them as gifts. However, there is nothing on the DVDs that won’t eventually end up online free at NutritionFacts.org.

If you’d like the whole (kale-filled) enchilada, I have a special on my complete DVD collection.

Here’s the list of chapters from the new volume 14 DVD — a preview of what’s to come on NutritionFacts.org:

  1. Fighting the Blues with Greens? MAO Inhibitors in Plants
  2. Kiwifruit for Insomnia
  3. Tart Cherries for Insomnia
  4. Hot Sauce in the Nose for Cluster Headaches?
  5. Cayenne Pepper for Irritable Bowel and Chronic Indigestion
  6. Dietary Treatment for Painful Menstrual Periods
  7. Is Carrageenan Safe?
  8. Safety of Noni and Mangosteen Juice
  9. Infant Seizures Linked to Mother’s Spirulina Use
  10. Keeping Your Hands Warm with Citrus
  11. Reducing Muscle Fatigue with Citrus
  12. Reducing Muscle Soreness with Berries
  13. Preventing Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress with Watercress
  14. Which Seaweed Is Most Protective Against Breast Cancer?
  15. Survival of the Firmest: Erectile Dysfunction and Death
  16. 50 Shades of Greens
  17. Pistachio Nuts for Erectile Dysfunction
  18. Butter-Flavored Microwave Popcorn or Breathing
  19. Treating ADHD Without Stimulants
  20. Artificial Food Colors and ADHD
  21. Tricks to Get Kids to Eat Healthier at School
  22. Tricks to Get Kids to Eat Healthier at Home
  23. Tricks to Get Adults to Eat Healthier
  24. Changing Our Taste Buds
  25. Eating Better to Look Better
  26. Poultry Exposure Tied to Liver and Pancreatic Cancer
  27. Eating Outside Our Kingdom
  28. Starving Cancer with Methionine Restriction
  29. Methionine Restriction as a Life Extension Strategy
  30. Heart Disease Starts in Childhood

If it looks appetizing, you can order the new DVD on my website or through Amazon

In the last two DVDs I cut the chapter menus so I could pack in more content, but folks missed the ability to navigate around to each individual topic. So although this DVD is only 113 minutes long, the chapter menus are back by popular demand!

Fundraising Update

At NutritionFacts.org, every day is Independence Day. Independence from advertisers, from sponsors, from paid subscriptions, and from commercial influence. Please help me keep the site free for all, for all time.

The DVDs bring in money to help keep NutritionFacts.org afloat. If you’re just going to wait to watch all the videos online individually — great! But please consider making a donation. Hundreds of viewers like you have already stepped up and helped out.

Between 2012 end-of-year giving and what I’ve been able to raise so far this year, I have funds sufficient to pay total operating expenses through to mid-September. At this point I was really hoping to be set through the remainder of the year, so I can spend less time worrying about fundraising and more time focusing on the research at hand. To make your contribution to NutritionFacts.org Inc. (the 501(c)3 nonprofit charity set up to support the site) you can use a credit card, use a direct Paypal link, or send a check to “NutritionFacts.org” P.O. Box 11400 Takoma Park, MD 20913.

Hundreds of thousands of people like you benefit every month from the free nutrition education they can get every day at NutritionFacts.org. Did you see the latest testimonial I posted last week? Read Fred’s inspiring story here.

I hope you’ll consider chipping in. On the donate page you have the option to sign up for monthly donations, which really help us budget for the future. Anyone signing up to make at least a $10 monthly donation will receive complimentary sneak preview copies of my next two DVDs before they’re released to the public.

Upcoming Conferences

This month join me at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s International Conference on Nutrition and the Brain, where I’ll be speaking alongside two of my medical mentors, Drs. Neal Barnard and John McDougall.

Then this fall I’m excited to also join Drs. Ornish and Esselstyn at Lifestyle Medicine 2013.

The most groundbreaking event, though, is the inaugural North American Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference. How exciting is that!?

The rest of my speaking schedule can be found here.

I hope everyone had a happy healthy 4th of July!
-Michael Greger, M.D.

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