Prevention Is Better Than Cured Meat
The levels of nitrosamines—considered the most carcinogenic agents in cigarette smoke—were recently measured in an array of processed meats including chicken, turkey, and pork.
The levels of nitrosamines—considered the most carcinogenic agents in cigarette smoke—were recently measured in an array of processed meats including chicken, turkey, and pork.
Phytonutrients, such as vitamin C, prevent the formation of nitrosamines from nitrites—which explains why adding nitrite preservatives to processed meat can be harmful, but adding more vegetables, with their nitrite-forming nitrates, to our diet can be helpful.
The nitrite preservatives in processed meats such as bologna, bacon, ham, and hot dogs form carcinogenic nitrosamines, but also reduce the growth of botulism bacteria—forcing regulators to strike a balance between consumers risking cancer, or a deadly form of food poisoning.
Nitrites in processed meat form nitrosamines, a class of potent carcinogens found in cigarette smoke, which may explain why hot dog consumption has been associated with the two leading pediatric cancers, brain tumors and childhood leukemia.
Biogenic amines such as spermine, cadaverine, and putrescine are chemical compounds of decay that may have adverse health effects. Which foods are most contaminated: beer, blue cheese, feta cheese, kimchi, miso, sardines, sauerkraut, sausage, soy sauce, tempeh, tuna, or wine?
Volatile chemicals in consumer products such as air fresheners, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, and dryer sheets may be hazardous.
The insecticide and fungicide compound found naturally in avocados (persin) may damage the DNA of normal cells, as well as cancer cells.
Los virus que causan verrugas en los animales podrían ser más que un problema cosmético para los consumidores
El consumo de carne podría aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar diferentes tipos de cáncer hematológico.
Por qué esta infusión podría aumentar el riesgo de cáncer.
Cuando se combina con ácido ascórbico en la Soda, el benzoato de sodio puede formar el potente carcinógeno benceno.
Los efectos potenciales para la salud de los colorantes como la cochinilla, un colorante alimentario derivado de insectos triturados.
Estudios en humanos sobre si la acrilamida en los carbohidratos horneados y fritos puede ser carcinogénica.
Preocupaciones sobre la carcinogeneidad de este te de hierbas Latino Americano.