Los zumos pierden algo más que la fibra
Es posible que la mayoría de los fitonutrientes polifenoles estén unidos a la fibra, lo que explicaría la marcada diferencia entre los beneficios que tienen la fruta entera y los jugos de fruta.
Es posible que la mayoría de los fitonutrientes polifenoles estén unidos a la fibra, lo que explicaría la marcada diferencia entre los beneficios que tienen la fruta entera y los jugos de fruta.
Which foods are best at removing carcinogenic bile acids from the body: asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, collards, eggplant, green beans, kale, mustard greens, okra, or peppers? And do they work better raw or cooked?
¿Cómo se comparan las cerezas dulces a la droga alopurinol y a una dieta baja en purina para el tratamiento de la dolorosa artritis inflamatoria gota?
Garlic and flavonoid phytonutrients found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains appear to protect against DNA damage induced by mutagenic chemicals found in cooked meat.
What dietary intervention may significantly protect against wrinkles in the crow’s foot area around the eyes?
If nitrates can boost athletic performance and protect against heart disease, which vegetables have the most—beans, bulb vegetables (like garlic and onions), fruiting vegetables (like eggplant and squash), greens (such as arugula), mushrooms, root vegetables (such as carrots and beets), or stem vegetables (such as celery and rhubarb)?
Young infants, and perhaps those with recurrent oxalate kidney stones, should avoid beets. But most commonly, the chief side effect is beeturia, the harmless passage of pink urine, though not all are affected—akin to the malodorous urine (“stinky pee”) that sometimes results from asparagus consumption.
¿Cuáles son los métodos de cocción que mejor conservan los nutrientes, y qué vegetales contienen más nutrientes cocinados que crudos?