Anticancer Potential of Sweet Potato Proteins
Sweet potatoes are not just one of the healthiest and cheapest sources of nutrition; the predominant protein is a type of protease inhibitor that may have cancer-fighting properties.
Sweet potatoes are not just one of the healthiest and cheapest sources of nutrition; the predominant protein is a type of protease inhibitor that may have cancer-fighting properties.
Sólo porque algo es natural y de origen vegetal no significa, necesariamente, que sea seguro. Las personas embarazadas, con cálculos biliares, o que son susceptibles a formar cálculos renales deberían considerar moderar su consumo de cúrcuma.
Many of our most common diseases found to be rare, or even nonexistent, among populations eating plant-based diets.
Se comparan las tasas de ataque de cálculos biliares en omnívoros y vegetarianos.