Is Caffeinated Tea Dehydrating?
Comparing up to six cups of caffeinated black tea a day to water, researchers study the assertion that tea acts as a diuretic, and is not as hydrating as plain water.
Comparing up to six cups of caffeinated black tea a day to water, researchers study the assertion that tea acts as a diuretic, and is not as hydrating as plain water.
California Senate Bill 380 to require nutrition education for physicians was passed, but not before it was gutted.
California State Senator Mark Wyland struggles between his conscience and his campaign contributor in deciding whether or not to vote for a bill that would require physicians to learn about nutrition.
Physician trade groups such as the California Medical Association came out in opposition of a bill requiring doctors to get 7 hours of nutrition training anytime before 2017.
A bill drafted by Dr. John McDougall was introduced in California to mandate that physicians get continuing medical education in nutrition.
Doctors found to be overconfident in their knowledge and ability to counsel patients about lifestyle modification for chronic disease prevention.
Most medical schools in the United States fail to provide even a bare minimum of nutrition training.
Why does the medical establishment sometimes ignore highly efficacious therapies, such as plant-based diets, for heart disease prevention and treatment?
The China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health Project directed by T. Colin Campbell and colleagues showed that chronic diseases, such as heart disease, are not inevitable consequences of aging.
Dr. Dean Ornish proved decades ago that heart disease could be reversed solely with diet and lifestyle changes.
Medicare is now accepting for reimbursement the Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease and the Pritikin Program, which, on a personal note, is what inspired me to go into medicine.
Doctors and other health professionals were put to the test for their nutrition knowledge regarding diet and heart disease.
La educación médica continúa subestimando la nutrición clínica.