Preventing Wrinkles with Diet
What dietary intervention may significantly protect against wrinkles in the crow’s foot area around the eyes?
What dietary intervention may significantly protect against wrinkles in the crow’s foot area around the eyes?
Chlorophyll, the most ubiquitous plant pigment in the world, may protect our DNA against mutation by intercepting carcinogens.
Despite promising autopsy and population data suggesting that inadequate magnesium intake is a risk factor for sudden cardiac death, it wasn’t until recently that this was demonstrated in prospective studies.
Most men and women who die of heart disease, our #1 killer, die suddenly without any known history of heart problems. Nut consumption, however, has been associated specifically with decreased risk of sudden cardiac death, which may be due to magnesium, a mineral found predominantly in whole grains, greens, beans, nuts, and seeds.
In addition to quantity and quality, the variety of fruits and vegetables consumed matters, as many phytonutrients are not evenly distributed among the various families and parts of plants.
If the nitrates in vegetables such as greens are health-promoting because they can be turned into nitrites, and then nitric oxide, inside our bodies, what about the nitrites added to cured meats—such as bacon, ham, and hot dogs?
Greens rank highest in chemical antioxidant assays (such as ORAC, TEAC, TRAP, and FRAP). But which vegetables lead the pack when cellular antioxidant activity is measured?
Mushrooms may help prevent breast cancer by acting as an aromatase inhibitor to block breast tumor estrogen production.
To help deflect criticism from the cholesterol content of their product, the egg industry touts the benefits of two phytonutrients, lutein and zeaxanthin, that have indeed been shown to be beneficial in protecting one’s eyesight against vision-threatening conditions, such as cataracts and macular degeneration. But how do eggs stack up against plant-based sources?
¿Cuáles son los métodos de cocción que mejor conservan los nutrientes, y qué vegetales contienen más nutrientes cocinados que crudos?
Algunos nutrientes se destruyen al cocinar, pero algunos nutrientes se vuelven más absorbibles.
Los fitonutrientes pueden, en parte, estar relacionados con los beneficios que tienen los granos enteros y las verduras para la prevención del cáncer.