To Pee or Not to Pee
That is the question. The answer is found in the foods that bring us urinary tract health.
¿Te has preguntado si existe una manera natural de bajar tus niveles de presión arterial, protegerte contra el alzhéimer, perder peso y sentirte mejor? Resulta que sí la hay. El doctor Michael Greger (FACLM), fundador de NutritionFacts.org y autor del rotundo éxito de ventas del New York Times "How Not to Die" (Comer para no morir), nos presenta la nutrición basada en la evidencia para añadir años a nuestra vida y vida a nuestros años.
That is the question. The answer is found in the foods that bring us urinary tract health.
You know you’ve always wondered: are smoothies good for me or do they just cause weight gain? Here’s what the science says.
With all the bad news out there about foods that are detrimental to our cardiovascular and sexual health, here are some positive steps we can take.
BPA is one of the most widely used chemicals in the world. What are the consequences of BPA in the food supply?
Today we highlight a few surprise sources of potential cancer risk.
Learn how diet may reduce the effects of lead exposure.
How was one of the most toxic substances not immediately banned from commercial and industrial use?
Dietary beverage guidelines give relatively high rankings to tea and coffee.
What are the benefits of buying organic foods? Are they safer? Do they make you healthier?
One way to get healthier joints involves reducing inflammation by eating the right kind of diet.