Neurobiology of Artificial Sweeteners
The disconnect between sweetness sensations coming from our tongue, and the lack of a caloric feedback loop in the gut, may result in overeating.
The disconnect between sweetness sensations coming from our tongue, and the lack of a caloric feedback loop in the gut, may result in overeating.
Certain phytonutrients may tip the balance of healthy gut bacteria in favor of flora associated with improved weight control.
The variety of fruit and vegetable consumption may decrease disease risk, independent of quantity.
The four most antioxidant-packed natural substances so far tested are cloves, amla (Indian gooseberries), triphala (a combination of amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki fruits), and dragon’s blood.
Triphala, a combination of three fruits—amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki—is the most commonly used herbal formulation in Ayurvedic medicine, and may have powerful anticancer properties. Unfortunately, one in five Ayurvedic herbal dietary supplements were found contaminated with lead, mercury, and/or arsenic.
El poder antioxidante del desayuno estadounidense se compara con un batido de frutos rojos, hojas de té blanco y polvo de grosella espinosa de la India.
Algunas hierbas y especias—incluyendo la canela, los clavos de olor, el toronjil, la mejorana, el orégano y la hierbabuena—son tan ricas en antioxidantes que sólo una pizca puede servir de mucho.
There are some dried fruits even more antioxidant-packed than goji berries.
Compared to popular fruits such as apples, bananas, and mangoes, which of the hundreds of different berries tested have the most and least antioxidant power: blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, crowberries, dog rose berries, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, or Tahitian noni juice?
En promedio, los alimentos vegetales tienen 64 veces más poder antioxidante que la carne roja, las aves, el pescado, los productos lácteos y los huevos, pero ¿es ésta una comparación justa?
In the most extensive study of its kind ever published, the amount of anti-aging anticancer antioxidants is measured across thousands of different foods.
Se ha demostrado que los arándanos mejoran las capacidades cognitivas en las ratas, pero ¿y en la gente?
¿Las fresas orgánicas impiden el crecimiento de células humanas cancerosas en una placa de Petri más que las fresas convencionales?
Clasificación de los alimentos con antioxidantes por unidad de peso.
Las maravillas de las bayas.