The Fruit Whose Juice Is Healthier
Can you name a fruit whose processed juice is healthier than just eating the fruit itself?
Can you name a fruit whose processed juice is healthier than just eating the fruit itself?
In the context of a healthy, plant-based diet, the nitrates in vegetables can safely be converted into nitric oxide, which can boost athletic performance, and may help prevent heart disease.
The addition of vitamin C to processed (cured) meats such as bacon may actually make them more carcinogenic.
Phytonutrients, such as vitamin C, prevent the formation of nitrosamines from nitrites—which explains why adding nitrite preservatives to processed meat can be harmful, but adding more vegetables, with their nitrite-forming nitrates, to our diet can be helpful.
The Institute of Medicine’s conservative position on vitamin D is understandable, given the history of hyped vitamin supplements (vitamin A, beta carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E) that turned out worthless—or worse.
Why does the medical establishment sometimes ignore highly efficacious therapies, such as plant-based diets, for heart disease prevention and treatment?
Should people with diverticulosis avoid nuts, seeds, and popcorn?
Cuando se combina con ácido ascórbico en la Soda, el benzoato de sodio puede formar el potente carcinógeno benceno.
Average vegan diets tend to be deficient in three nutrients, whereas average omnivores tend, unfortunately, to be deficient in seven.
Al tratar de alcanzar tus nueve porciones diarias de frutas y verduras, ¿cuáles no cuentan?