People taking dietary supplements may, in some cases, be paying to make themselves sick. This video covers folic acid, beta carotene, and green tea supplements.
Some Dietary Supplements May Be More Than a Waste of Money
Nota del Doctor
This is the final video of a three-part series with the latest information on the safety of dietary supplements. For the first two, see Dietary Supplement Snake Oil, and Heavy Metals in Protein Powder Supplements. For background on the folic acid versus folate story (which may explain any multivitamin/breast cancer connection), see Can Folic Acid Be Harmful? For more on avoiding esophageal cancer, see Poultry and Penis Cancer; Coffee and Cancer; and Bacon and Botulism. For how to boost your absorption of carotenoid phytonutrients (like beta carotene), see Raw Food Nutrient Absorption, and Forego Fat-Free Dressings? Pretty scary about green tea supplements, but green tea has a variety of health-promoting properties. Check out my other videos on tea.
For further context, check out my associated blog posts: Plant-Based Workplace Intervention; Avoid Cooked Meat Carcinogens; and Probiotics and Diarrhea.
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