Just the Flax
Listen to what this little seed can do.
¿Te has preguntado si existe una manera natural de bajar tus niveles de presión arterial, protegerte contra el alzhéimer, perder peso y sentirte mejor? Resulta que sí la hay. El doctor Michael Greger (FACLM), fundador de NutritionFacts.org y autor del rotundo éxito de ventas del New York Times "How Not to Die" (Comer para no morir), nos presenta la nutrición basada en la evidencia para añadir años a nuestra vida y vida a nuestros años.
Listen to what this little seed can do.
It’s time to be transported to the Greek Isles. What does the science say about the Mediterranean-type diet?
Today we unlock the power of chia seeds, detox mercury, and study dietary approaches to female sexual dysfunction.
How much is too much?
Lifestyle medicine prescribes healthy habits to prevent and reverse some chronic diseases. Why don’t more doctors study and practice lifestyle medicine?
Today we explore the vast nutritional research resources available to us online.
Most of the vitamins we need come from plants. So, should we supplement? Here’s what the science says about a few key vitamins.
The pros and cons of tea tree oil.
Preparation techniques to reduce the risk.
This natural beverage is a staple around the world. And it can even reverse the progression of some diseases.