Cómo prevenir la toxoplasmosis
El riesgo de infectarte con el parásito toxoplasma proveniente de los sanitarios para gatos en comparación con el riesgo proveniente de la carne
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Randy
El riesgo de infectarte con el parásito toxoplasma proveniente de los sanitarios para gatos en comparación con el riesgo proveniente de la carne
Se considera que un parásito cerebral podría ser “uno de los mayores factores de riesgo para la esquizofrenia”.
Los efectos de los parásitos cerebrales de toxoplasma pueden ocasionar alteraciones de la personalidad.
Casi un cuarto de los estadounidenses ya se han infectado con el parásito cerebral toxoplasma
¿Qué papel desempeñan los antibióticos en el desarrollo y el tratamiento de los trastornos del espectro autista?
Gnathostomiasis por el pescado crudo es un problema cada vez mayor, manifestado por minúsculos gusanos que se meten bajo nuestra piel y, en casos raros, pueden entrar en nuestros ojos y cerebro.
The rising incidence of tick-bite induced meat allergies may account for cases of previously unexplained (“idiopathic”) persistent hives among children.
Our immune response against a foreign molecule present in animal products may play a role in some allergic, autoimmune, and inflammatory disorders. This reaction is thought to underlie tick bite-triggered meat allergies.
Arsenic-containing drugs intentionally added to poultry feed to reduce the parasite burden and pinken the meat are apparently converted by cooking into carcinogenic inorganic arsenic compounds.
Chronic headaches such as migraines or “tension” headache symptoms may be a sign of pork tapeworms in the brain.
A higher rate of cancer deaths among those that handle and process meat is attributed to infection with viruses, and chronic exposure to animal proteins.
Delusional parasitosis is a form of psychosis characterized by the false belief that one is infested with some sort of parasite. It can be triggered by a variety of brain diseases, including parasites themselves.
Bacteria-eating viruses (bacteriophages) have been approved as meat additives to reduce the risk of Listeria and Campylobacter found in processed meat and poultry products, but there’s a concern they could spread toxin genes between bacteria.
A case report (and video) of the worm-like, bloodsucking parasite Linguatula serrata, found in organ meats, that can migrate through the intestinal wall, into the bloodstream, and then inside one’s eyeball.
Cheese manufacturers use spider-like insects and fly larvae to impart particular flavors and aromas to certain cheeses.
Avoiding pork tapeworm parasites (cysticercosis) is not as easy as just avoiding pork.
Neurocysticercosis, infection with pork tapeworm larvae brain parasites, is an increasingly serious public health problem in the United States, potentially causing headaches, dizziness, seizures, other neurological disorders, and sudden death.
The role of a parasitic worm in allergic reactions to chicken and fish.
Cleveland Clinic pathologists dissect fast food burgers to see what’s inside.
Al elegir fuentes a base de algas de ácidos grasos omega-3 de cadena larga, uno puede obtener los beneficios del consumo de pescado sin los riesgos de este último.