¿Cuánta gente alcanza los siete objetivos básicos?
La Asociación Americana del Corazón elaboró siete sencillos objetivos de estilo de vida para combatir el principal asesino de hombres y mujeres: las enfermedades del corazón.
La Asociación Americana del Corazón elaboró siete sencillos objetivos de estilo de vida para combatir el principal asesino de hombres y mujeres: las enfermedades del corazón.
¿El azúcar de mesa y el jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa sólo son calorías vacías o pueden ser activamente dañinos?
The impressive manganese content of hibiscus tea may be the limiting factor for safe daily levels of consumption.
The tea plant concentrates aluminum from the soil into tea leaves, but phytonutrients in tea bind to the metal and limit its absorption.
¿Cómo se comparan los efectos reductores de la presión arterial del té de jamaica con la dieta DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; Enfoques dietéticos para detener la hipertensión), una dieta a base de plantas y el ejercicio de resistencia de larga distancia?
The emergence of pathogens resistant to even our antibiotics of last resort has raised the specter of a “post-antibiotic age” in which drugs to fight infections may be useless. This has focused attention on the mass use of antibiotics in farm animal feed to promote growth and prevent infection in high density production.
¿Cocinar en casa nos lleva a tener mejores resultados de salud? Y ¿Cómo se comparan nutricionalmente las comidas pre cocinadas con las recetas de chefs de televisión?
Ensayo controlado aleatorio que compara la seguridad y la eficacia de los medicamentos vs. la curcumina, el pigmento amarillo en la especia cúrcuma, para el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide inflamatoria autoinmune.
The vast majority of chicken and poultry products are injected with phosphorus preservatives, which are often not listed in the ingredients. Reducing one’s intake of meat, junk food, fast food, and processed cheese may help lower intake until labeling is mandated.
The Director-General of the World Health Organization warns that we may be facing an end to modern medicine as we know it—thanks, in part, to the mass feeding of antibiotics to farm animals to accelerate growth.
Casi 5000 muertes por cáncer de mama al año pueden ser atribuidas al consumo leve de alcohol (hasta una sola bebida al día).
An independent review of the effects of açaí berries was recently published, including studies on immune function, arthritis, and metabolic parameters.
Meat industry public relations campaign to “crush” myths makes false claim about the millions of pounds of antibiotics fed to farm animals.
Exclusive breastfeeding for a full six months may, ironically, improve our children’s taste for vegetables—whereas children fed formula grow up with increased rates of inflammatory diseases such as asthma, cancer, and diabetes.
Studies of the neurobehavioral toxicity of mercury on children suggest that no level of mercury exposure can be considered safe, but pressure from the fish industry may be preventing safety limits from dropping further.
Disinfectants used to sanitize cow udders may provide a source of iodine for dairy consumers, but can also increase the concentration of pus in milk from cows with staph infection mastitis.
¿Cuánto de este endulzante natural puede considerarse seguro?
Los niveles de contaminantes industriales encontrados en la acuicultura.
What percentage of a hot dog is actually muscle tissue?
La educación médica continúa subestimando la nutrición clínica.