Orange Aromatherapy for Anxiety
The smell of sweet orange essential oil may have anxiety-reducing properties without the potentially addictive, sedating, and adverse effects of Valium-type benzodiazepine drugs.
The smell of sweet orange essential oil may have anxiety-reducing properties without the potentially addictive, sedating, and adverse effects of Valium-type benzodiazepine drugs.
Los beneficios cardiovasculares de las dietas a base de plantas pueden verse severamente disminuidos con una deficiencia de vitamina B12.
Un análisis de riesgo/beneficio de 33 especies de peces analiza los efectos del DHA para potenciar el cerebro y los compara con los efectos dañinos del mercurio, para determinar el efecto neto sobre la inteligencia (IC – Cociente Intelectual).
Exposure to mercury during pregnancy appears to influence fetal brain development, as detected by decreased size of a newborn’s brain.
Those eating calorie-dense diets may have a reduced capacity to enjoy all of life’s pleasures by deadening dopamine pathways in the brain.
Exercise has been shown to be effective in controlling attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder symptoms, and carries only positive side effects.
Since both coronary heart disease and impotence can be reversed with a healthy diet, sexual dysfunction can be used as a motivator to change poor lifestyle habits.
Los inhibidores naturales de la enzima monoamina oxidasa en frutas y verduras pueden ayudar a explicar la mejora en el estado de ánimo asociado con el cambio a una dieta basada en plantas.
El Dr. Greger ha examinado minuciosamente la literatura académica mundial sobre nutrición clínica y creó esta nueva presentación en vivo sobre lo más reciente en investigación de vanguardia acerca de cómo una alimentación sana puede influir en algunas de nuestras condiciones médicas más comunes.
About half of America’s trans fat intake now comes from animal products.
Sabemos que nuestro estado mental puede afectar nuestra flora intestinal, pero, ¿podrían nuestras bacterias buenas afectar nuestro estado mental?
Most children don’t drink water from when they wake up to when they go off to school. Interventional trials show this mild state of dehydration may negatively affect scholastic performance.
How plant-based does one’s diet need to be in order to effectively treat fibromyalgia?
Plant-based diets may be effective for the treatment of fibromyalgia, a painful condition suffered by millions.
BREAKING NEWS video: An analysis of yesterday’s Consumer Reports finding that 1 in 5 samples of retail pork tested positive for the growth-promoting drug ractopamine. Tomorrow, I’ll cover their findings on Yersinia contamination.
A head-to-head test of the spice saffron versus Prozac for the treatment of clinical depression.
Even the scent of the spice saffron may reduce stress hormone levels, and ease the psychological symptoms of PMS.
The spice saffron appears to improve both the emotional and physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
The secret to naturally boosting serotonin levels in the brain may include eating foods such as pumpkin seeds, with a high tryptophan-to-total protein ratio. This may help explain why studies show that those eating plant-based diets have superior mood states.
Contrary to popular belief, the consumption of animal foods may actually decrease tryptophan levels in the brain. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, can boost transport across the blood-brain barrier, which has been used to explain premenstrual cravings.
Tryptophan is the precursor to the “happiness hormone” serotonin, so why not take tryptophan supplements to improve mood and relieve symptoms of depression?
The consumption of certain fruits is suggested as a potential treatment for depression, given the presence of psychoactive neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin in many plant foods.
For the same reason aspirin should be avoided in pregnancy, chamomile has such powerful anti-inflammatory properties that regular consumption may result in a serious fetal heart problem—premature constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosus, which allows the fetus to “breathe” in the womb.
Poultry workers exhibit an excess of a wide range of diseases, from thyroid conditions to schizophrenia, and autoimmune neurological disorders, such as myasthenia gravis. This may be due to exposure to viruses present in chickens and turkeys.
Who should get tested for vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency, and which is the best test to use: serum B12, methylmalonic acid (MMA), or holotranscobalamin levels?
Arachidonic acid may play a role in cancer, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders.
The purported role arachidonic acid plays in brain inflammation could explain why eliminating chicken, fish, and eggs may improve symptoms of mood disturbance, depression, anxiety, and stress within two weeks.
The effects of artificial colors on impulsivity, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity among young children.
Hay dos vitaminas que no son producidas por las plantas que pueden requerir suplementación.
Tres acciones que pueden reducir a la mitad el riesgo de muerte de nuestro asesino número uno.