A Fine Kettle of Fluoxetine
Excreted pharmaceutical drugs, such as Prozac, can end up polluting our waterways, and may bioaccumulate in fish flesh.
Excreted pharmaceutical drugs, such as Prozac, can end up polluting our waterways, and may bioaccumulate in fish flesh.
The trillions of good bacteria in our gut can be thought of as an additional organ—metabolizing, detoxifying, and activating many crucial components of our diet. The formation of lignans from phytonutrient precursors found predominantly in flax seeds is one such example.
One teaspoon of flax seeds may double one’s daily production of lignans—phytonutrients that appear to play a role in both breast cancer prevention and survival.
Growing your own broccoli sprouts is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve your diet.
Monday, March 12, 2012: The Harvard Health Professionals Follow-up Study and the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study concluded that red meat consumption was associated with living a significantly shorter life—increased cancer mortality, increased heart disease mortality, and increased overall mortality.
El poder antioxidante del desayuno estadounidense se compara con un batido de frutos rojos, hojas de té blanco y polvo de grosella espinosa de la India.
Algunas hierbas y especias—incluyendo la canela, los clavos de olor, el toronjil, la mejorana, el orégano y la hierbabuena—son tan ricas en antioxidantes que sólo una pizca puede servir de mucho.
There are some dried fruits even more antioxidant-packed than goji berries.
MyPlate represents a significant improvement over the USDA Food Guide Pyramid.
Following the recommendations of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee to “shift food intake patterns to a more plant-based diet,” the latest USDA guidelines include a vegan adaptation.
Since foods are a package deal, Dr. Walter Willet, the Chair of Harvard’s nutrition department, recommends we emphasize plant sources of protein, rather than animal sources.
Eggs and brains are the two most concentrated sources of cholesterol in the diet.
Ocho productos sometidos a prueba para la reducción del colesterol.
Los beneficios del consumo de café.
A landmark study pitted 34 common vegetables against 8 different lines of human cancer cells.
Should people with diverticulosis avoid nuts, seeds, and popcorn?
Incluso los flexitarianos podrían estar en mayor riesgo de desarrollar artritis.
Las fuentes alimenticias enteras de la grasa tales como tuercas, semillas, y aguacates son probablemente superiores.
Algunos nutrientes se destruyen al cocinar, pero algunos nutrientes se vuelven más absorbibles.
El consumo de semilla de lino molido puede disminuir el riesgo de cáncer de mama al desacelerar el ciclo menstrual. También puede controlar el aumento de la próstata con la misma eficacia que el mejor medicamento prescrito.