A Fine Kettle of Fluoxetine

Excreted pharmaceutical drugs, such as Prozac, can end up polluting our waterways, and may bioaccumulate...

Nerves of Mercury

Studies of the neurobehavioral toxicity of mercury on children suggest that no level of mercury...

Dietary Supplement Snake Oil

Supplement industry representative attempts to rebut a mea culpa editorial in an alternative medicine journal...

Tongue Worm in Human Eye

A case report (and video) of the worm-like, bloodsucking parasite Linguatula serrata, found in organ...

Viral Meat Spray

Bacteria-eating viruses (bacteriophages) have been approved as meat additives to reduce the risk of Listeria...

Maggot Meat Spray

Given their inherent resistance to food-poisoning bacteria, maggots can be used to create an antibacterial...

Unsafe at Any Feed

In a national survey, fewer than half of the participants realized meat contaminated with fecal...

Arterial Acne

Atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries may be more aptly described as pimples, initiated by the...

Kiwifruit and DNA Repair

Plant-based diets help prevent cancer not only by blocking DNA damage, but by increasing our...

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