Diet Pills Do Fat a Lot of Good
Common slimming supplements are found to be ineffective, whereas a diet centered on whole plant foods is described as perhaps the safest approach to weight control.
Common slimming supplements are found to be ineffective, whereas a diet centered on whole plant foods is described as perhaps the safest approach to weight control.
Meat consumption is not only associated with weight gain, but specifically abdominal obesity, which is the most metabolically concerning.
In one of the largest nutrition studies ever, total meat consumption was significantly associated with weight gain in men and women—and the link remained even after controlling for calories.
When asked whether food and beverage consumption, or physical activity, was more important, the majority of people get the answer wrong.
The water content of plant foods may help explain why those eating plant-based diets are, on average, so slim. Can ice be thought of as having even “fewer” calories than water, since the body has to warm it up?
Flavonoid phytonutrients (found concentrated in citrus, berries, red onions, beans, green tea, grapes, and cocoa) may boost metabolism enough to significantly slim one’s waistline.
The arginine content of nuts may explain their metabolism-boosting effects—though, in a list of the top food sources of arginine, nuts don’t even make the top ten.
Finally, there’s a solution to the mystery of why nuts don’t seem to make people gain weight. It appears to be a combination of factors—including a boost to our metabolism, which results in us burning more of our own fat stores.
An elegant study is presented, testing the appetite-suppressing effects of walnuts.
If the fecal fat losses associated with undigested pieces of nuts (due to inadequate chewing), and the tedium of shelling them in the first place, help account for why nuts don’t tend to lead to weight gain, then studies on nut butters would presumably turn out differently.
A few theories have been proposed as to why nuts don’t appear to contribute to weight gain, including the “pistachio principle” and the fecal excretion theory.
El consumo de frutos secos parece no ocasionar el aumento de peso esperado.
La muerte en los EE. UU. es, en gran medida, una enfermedad alimentaria. El Dr. Greger, enfocándose en estudios publicados durante el año anterior, en revistas médicas revisadas por pares, ofrece recomendaciones prácticas sobre cómo alimentarnos nosotros mismos y a nuestras familias, para prevenir, tratar e incluso revertir muchas de las 15 principales causas de muerte en los Estados Unidos.
One mechanism by which caloric restriction may extend one’s lifespan is by upregulating dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), the most abundant steroid hormone in the human body. DHEA supplements are discouraged, but there may be a natural way to conserve levels as we age.
Survey reveals the vast majority of Americans are not eating healthy, even by U.S. Dietary Guideline standards.
¿Qué tipo de nuez tiene el contenido de antioxidantes más alto?
Incluso los flexitarianos podrían estar en mayor riesgo de desarrollar artritis.
What percentage of a hot dog is actually muscle tissue?
¿Deben las mujeres con cáncer de mama con receptores de estrógeno positivos evitar los alimentos de soja?
La caseína y la proteína de soya parecen tener diferentes efectos en la cintura.