Retrocediendo el reloj 14 años
Cuatro simples conductas de salud podrían disminuir los riesgos de enfermedades crónicas casi un 80%, disminuyendo potencialmente nuestro riesgo de morir al equivalente al que tendríamos siendo 14 años más jóvenes.
Cuatro simples conductas de salud podrían disminuir los riesgos de enfermedades crónicas casi un 80%, disminuyendo potencialmente nuestro riesgo de morir al equivalente al que tendríamos siendo 14 años más jóvenes.
The pharmaceutical industry is starting to shift away from designing single target drugs to trying to affect multiple pathways simultaneously, much like compounds made by plants, such as aspirin and curcumin—the pigment in the spice turmeric.
Barriers to patent natural commodities, such as the spice turmeric, keeps prices low—but if no one profits, where is the research funding going to come from?
Plants and animals share similar biochemical pathways and signaling systems, which may explain why so many phytonutrients are beneficial to our physiology.
Cuando los médicos ocultan opciones de tratamiento dietético a los pacientes cardiacos, están violando el fundamento de la ética médica, el consentimiento informado.
The smell of sweet orange essential oil may have anxiety-reducing properties without the potentially addictive, sedating, and adverse effects of Valium-type benzodiazepine drugs.
Sólo porque algo es natural y de origen vegetal no significa, necesariamente, que sea seguro. Las personas embarazadas, con cálculos biliares, o que son susceptibles a formar cálculos renales deberían considerar moderar su consumo de cúrcuma.
Estrategias dietarias, incluyendo el uso de pimienta negra (piperina), pueden incrementar los niveles en sangre de curcumina procedente de la especia cúrcuma hasta un 2000%.
La curcumina, el pigmento amarillo en la cúrcuma puede funcionar igual o mejor que los medicamentos antiinflamatorios y analgésicos para el tratamiento de la osteoartritis en la rodilla.
Ensayo controlado aleatorio que compara la seguridad y la eficacia de los medicamentos vs. la curcumina, el pigmento amarillo en la especia cúrcuma, para el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide inflamatoria autoinmune.
Un elegante experimento es descrito en el que la sangre de personas comiendo diferentes tipos de especias -como clavo, jengibre, romero, y cúrcuma- se pone a prueba para medir su capacidad anti-inflamatoria.
Soaking and cooking poppy seeds can lower their morphine and codeine levels—but those undergoing drug testing may want to avoid them altogether.
Exercise has been shown to be effective in controlling attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder symptoms, and carries only positive side effects.
Anti-inflammatory phytonutrients in berries may explain why cherries can speed recovery after a marathon—by reducing muscle pain in long-distance runners.
Daily application of capsaicin, the burning component of hot peppers, into the nostril on the affected side of the head of cluster headache sufferers results in an 80% therapeutic response rate.
Two kiwi fruit an hour before bedtime may improve sleep quality and duration, without the side effects associated with sleeping pills.
Los inhibidores naturales de la enzima monoamina oxidasa en frutas y verduras pueden ayudar a explicar la mejora en el estado de ánimo asociado con el cambio a una dieta basada en plantas.
El Dr. Greger ha examinado minuciosamente la literatura académica mundial sobre nutrición clínica y creó esta nueva presentación en vivo sobre lo más reciente en investigación de vanguardia acerca de cómo una alimentación sana puede influir en algunas de nuestras condiciones médicas más comunes.
A placebo-controlled clinical trial of lavender essential oil aromatherapy shows it to be an effective migraine therapy.
Probiotics may help prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and appear to speed recovery from acute gastroenteritis.
About half of doctors admit to intentionally deceiving patients by prescribing placebos, but might the ends justify the means?
Una cucharada al día de semillas de lino molidas parece a mejorar la función ovárica y es considerada como una terapia primaria para el dolor de senos asociado con la menstruación (mastalgia cíclica).
Una cucharada al día durante un mes de semillas de lino molidas, parece mejorar la glucemia en ayunas, los triglicéridos, el colesterol y los niveles de hemoglobina glucosilada en los diabéticos .
Researchers set out to find out what it was about a flax seed-supplemented, lower-fat diet that so effectively appeared to decrease prostate cancer growth.
¿Qué sucede cuando hombres con cáncer de próstata y neoplasia prostática intraepitelial (PIN) siguen una dieta relativamente baja en grasas suplementada con semillas de lino molidas?
The average number of bowel movements a week is compared between those eating prunes, those taking a fiber supplement, and those eating a strictly plant-based diet.
For decades, studies on Gerson therapy for cancer have questioned its safety and efficacy. But, what does the latest head-to-head trial of a Gerson-style regime, versus chemotherapy, show in terms of survival and quality of life for pancreatic cancer ?
Gerson Therapy is a largely diet-based alternative treatment for cancer. What have 65 years of medical research concluded about its efficacy and safety?
Do compounded bioidentical hormones for menopause carry the same risks as conventional hormone replacement drugs, such as Premarin?
A head-to-head test of the spice saffron versus Prozac for the treatment of clinical depression.
Even the scent of the spice saffron may reduce stress hormone levels, and ease the psychological symptoms of PMS.
The spice saffron appears to improve both the emotional and physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Tryptophan is the precursor to the “happiness hormone” serotonin, so why not take tryptophan supplements to improve mood and relieve symptoms of depression?
The consumption of certain fruits is suggested as a potential treatment for depression, given the presence of psychoactive neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin in many plant foods.
La muerte en los EE. UU. es, en gran medida, una enfermedad alimentaria. El Dr. Greger, enfocándose en estudios publicados durante el año anterior, en revistas médicas revisadas por pares, ofrece recomendaciones prácticas sobre cómo alimentarnos nosotros mismos y a nuestras familias, para prevenir, tratar e incluso revertir muchas de las 15 principales causas de muerte en los Estados Unidos.
Now officially incorporated into the Centers for Disease Control STD Treatment Guidelines, the topical application of phytonutrients from green tea on external genital warts results in an astounding 100% clearance in more than half the patients tested—a testament to the power of plants.
Gorlin Syndrome, also known as basal cell nevus syndrome, is a rare genetic condition in which one’s body becomes covered in skin cancers. An astounding case is reported of a woman suffering from the syndrome, whose cancer progression was apparently reversed with topical green tea body wraps.
For the same reason aspirin should be avoided in pregnancy, chamomile has such powerful anti-inflammatory properties that regular consumption may result in a serious fetal heart problem—premature constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosus, which allows the fetus to “breathe” in the womb.
People taking dietary supplements may, in some cases, be paying to make themselves sick. This video covers folic acid, beta carotene, and green tea supplements.
Supplement industry representative attempts to rebut a mea culpa editorial in an alternative medicine journal decrying the predatory nature of dietary supplement marketing.