How meat scientists justify their promotion of foods associated with cancer risk.
Meat Additives to Diminish Toxicity
Nota del Doctor
Cancer risk is just one reason why Plant Protein is Preferable. If we were truly to follow the science, the fast food, junk food, and meat industries would really be in trouble. See Trans Fat, Saturated Fat and Cholesterol: Tolerable Upper Intake of Zero. How do they get away with this? See Dietary Guidelines: Science Versus Corporate Interests, and Dietary Guidelines: USDA Conflicts of Interest. What might healthier dietary guidelines look like? See Dietary Guidelines: It’s All Greek to the USDA. And what effect might that have on our public health? See Dietary Guidelines: From Dairies to Berries, in which a solution is reached in which both farmers and consumers can benefit. For more, see my other videos on industry influence, and hundreds of other videos on more than two thousand topics.
For more context, check out my associated blog posts: Harvard’s Meat and Mortality Studies; Using Greens to Improve Athletic Performance; and Should We Avoid Titanium Dioxide?
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