Health and Nutrition Topics
Popular Topics
- A2 milk
- abdominal aortic aneurysm
- abdominal fat
- abdominal pain
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- acaí berries
- acetate
- acid/base balance
- acne
- acrylamide
- addiction
- adolescence
- adrenal gland
- advanced glycation end-products (AGEs)
- Adventist Health Studies
- Africa
- African Americans
- Agent Orange
- aggression
- aging
- air pollution
- Albert Einstein
- alcohol
- alfalfa sprouts
- algae
- alkaline diet
- alkaline water
- allergies
- allspice
- allulose
- almond milk
- almonds
- aloe vera
- alternative medicine
- aluminum
- Alzheimer’s disease
- amaranth
- American College of Lifestyle Medicine
- American Diabetes Association
- American Egg Board
- American Heart Association
- American Medical Association
- amla
- amygdalin
- anal health
- anemia
- aneurysm
- angina
- angiogenesis
- angioplasty
- animal fat
- animal products
- animal protein
- animal studies
- ankylosing spondylitis
- antacids
- anthocyanins
- anti-aging
- anti-inflammatory
- antibiotics
- antidepressants
- antihistamines
- antioxidants
- antiperspirant
- anxiety
- aortic aneurysm
- aphthous ulcers
- apnea
- ApoE gene
- appendicitis
- apple cider vinegar
- apple juice
- apples
- apricots
- arachidonic acid
- arginine
- aromatherapy
- arsenic
- artery function
- arthritis
- artichokes
- artificial colors
- artificial flavors
- artificial sweeteners
- Asia
- asparagus
- aspartame
- aspirin
- asthma
- atherosclerosis
- athletes
- Atkins diet
- atrial fibrillation
- autism
- autoimmune diseases
- avocados
- Ayurvedic medicine
- back pain
- bacon
- bacterial vaginosis
- bad breath
- bagels
- baking
- baking soda
- bananas
- barbecuing
- barberries
- barley
- Barrett's esophagus
- basal cell carcinoma
- basil
- BCRA genes
- beans
- beef
- beer
- beet juice
- beets
- beeturia
- bell peppers
- benzene
- berries
- beta carotene
- beta glucan
- beverages
- bile acids
- Bilophilia wadsworthia
- bipolar disorder
- birth control pills
- birth defects
- Black Americans
- black beans
- black cumin
- black raspberries
- black tea
- blackberries
- bladder cancer
- bladder health
- bladder infections
- bloating
- blood cancer
- blood clots
- blood donation
- blood pressure
- blood sugar
- blood type diet
- Blue Zones
- blue-green algae
- blueberries
- body fat
- body odor
- body weight
- boiling
- bok choy
- bologna
- bone broth
- bone cancer
- bone fractures
- bone health
- bone loss
- bone mineral density
- bovine leukemia virus
- bowel movements
- brain cancer
- brain health
- brain tumors
- brazil nuts
- BRCA genes
- bread
- breakfast
- breakfast cereal
- breast cancer
- breast cancer survival
- breast development
- breast health
- breast milk
- breast pain
- breastfeeding
- brewer's yeast
- broccoli
- broccoli sprouts
- brown fat
- brown rice syrup
- Brussels sprouts
- buckwheat
- butter
- butternut squash
- button mushrooms
- butyrate
- C-reactive protein
- C. diff
- cabbage
- cadmium
- caffeine
- calcium
- caloric restriction
- calories
- Campylobacter
- cancer
- cancer survival
- candida
- candy
- canker sores
- cannabis
- canola
- cans
- cantaloupe
- capsaicin
- caramel color
- carcinogens
- cardiovascular disease
- cardiovascular health
- carnitine
- carob
- carrageenan
- carrots
- casein
- cashews
- casomorphins
- cataracts
- cats
- cauliflower
- cavities
- cayenne pepper
- celery
- celiac disease
- cell phones
- Center for Science in the Public Interest
- cervical cancer
- chamomile tea
- chanterelle mushrooms
- Cheerios
- cheese
- chemotherapy
- cherries
- chewing gum
- chia seeds
- chicken
- chickpeas
- children
- chili peppers
- China
- China Study
- CHIP program
- chlorella
- chlorophyll
- chocolate
- cholesterol
- choline
- chronic diseases
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- chronobiology
- cigarettes
- cilantro
- cinnamon
- cirrhosis
- citrus
- climate change
- cloves
- Coca-Cola
- cocoa
- coconut milk
- coconut oil
- coconut water
- coconuts
- cod liver oil
- Coenzyme Q10
- coffee
- cognition
- collagen
- collard greens
- colon cancer
- colon health
- colonoscopy
- colorectal cancer
- common cold
- complementary medicine
- constipation
- Consumers Union
- cooking methods
- corn
- coronavirus
- cortisol
- cost savings
- cough
- COVID-19
- cranberries
- cranberry juice
- creatine
- crimini mushrooms
- Crohn's disease
- cruciferous vegetables
- CT scan
- cucumbers
- cultivated meat
- cumin
- curcumin
- currants
- curry powder
- Daily Dozen
- dairy
- Daniel Fast
- dark chocolate
- DASH diet
- date sugar
- dates
- dehydration
- deli meat
- dementia
- dental health
- depression
- detoxification
- diabetes
- dialysis
- diarrhea
- dietary guidelines
- dioxins
- diverticulitis
- dizziness
- DNA damage
- dopamine
- Dr. Ancel Keys
- Dr. Atkins
- Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
- Dr. David Katz
- Dr. Dean Ornish
- Dr. Denis Burkitt
- Dr. Joel Fuhrman
- Dr. Joel Kahn
- Dr. John Harvey Kellogg
- Dr. John McDougall
- Dr. Kim Williams
- Dr. Linus Pauling
- Dr. Neal Barnard
- Dr. Roy Swank
- Dr. Steven Gundry
- Dr. T. Colin Campbell
- Dr. Walter Kempner
- Dr. Walter Willett
- dried fruit
- dulse
- dyspepsia
- E. coli
- ear health
- ear infections
- eating disorders
- eczema
- edamame
- eggplant
- eggs
- elderly
- emphysema
- endocrine disruptors
- endometrial cancer
- endometrial health
- endometriosis
- endothelium
- endotoxins
- energy
- energy drinks
- environment
- enzymes
- EPIC Study
- epigenetic changes
- epigenetics
- epilepsy
- erectile dysfunction
- ergothioneine
- erythritol
- esophageal cancer
- esophagus health
- essential tremor
- estrogen
- Europe
- exercise
- eye health
- factory farming practices
- fake meat
- fast food
- fasting
- fat
- fatigue
- fatty liver disease
- fecal bacteria
- fecal contamination
- fecal transplant
- fecal transplants
- feed additives
- fennel seeds
- fenugreek
- fermented foods
- fertility
- fever
- fiber
- fibrocystic breast disease
- fibroids
- fibromyalgia
- Finland
- fish
- fish oil
- flatulence
- flavonoids
- flax oil
- flaxseeds
- flexitarians
- flour
- flu shots
- fluoride
- folate
- folic acid
- food additives
- food dyes
- food poisoning
- foodborne illness
- Framingham Heart Study
- free radicals
- Freedom of Information Act
- french fries
- frozen fruit
- fructose
- fruit
- fruit juice
- frying
- fungicides
- galactose
- gallbladder disease
- gallbladder health
- gallstones
- gargling
- garlic
- gastric bypass
- genital warts
- Gerson Therapy
- ginger
- glaucoma
- Global Burden of Disease Study
- GLP-1
- glucose
- gluten
- glycemic index
- glycotoxins
- glyphosate
- goji berries
- gooseberries
- gout
- grains
- grape juice
- grapefruit
- grapes
- Grave’s disease
- green beans
- green tea
- greens
- Guillain-Barré syndrome
- gut flora
- hair health
- hair loss
- halitosis
- ham
- hamburgers
- hand washing
- happiness
- Harvard
- Harvard Nurses' Health Study
- hay fever
- hazelnuts
- HDL cholesterol
- headaches
- health
- health food stores
- hearing
- heart disease
- heart failure
- heart health
- heart rate
- heartburn
- heavy metals
- heme iron
- hemorrhoids
- hepatitis
- herbal remedies
- herbal tea
- Herbalife
- herbs
- hernia
- heterocyclic amines
- hiatal hernia
- hibiscus tea
- hiccups
- hidradenitis suppurativa
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol
- high fructose corn syrup
- hijiki
- homeopathy
- homocysteine
- honey
- hormones
- hot dogs
- hot flashes
- hot sauce
- How Not to Age
- How Not to Die
- How Not to Diet
- human papilloma virus
- Huntington’s disease
- hydrogenated fats
- hypertension
- hysterectomy
- iatrogenic
- Ibuprofen
- ice cream
- IgA
- IGF-1
- IGF-2
- immune function
- impotence
- incontinence
- India
- industrial pollutants
- industry influence
- infant formula
- infants
- infertility
- inflammation
- inflammatory bowel disease
- influenza
- insects
- insomnia
- insulin
- insulin resistance
- Introductory Videos
- iodine
- iron
- irritable bowel syndrome
- isoflavones
- lactic acid
- lactose
- Laetrile
- lamb
- lard
- lavender
- laxatives
- LDL cholesterol
- lead
- leaky gut
- lecithin
- lectins
- legume
- legumes
- lemon balm
- lemons
- lemons balm
- lentil
- lentils
- leptin
- lettuce
- leukemia
- lichen planus
- licorice
- life expectancy
- lifespan
- lifestyle medicine
- lignans
- lima beans
- limes
- Lipitor
- liposuction
- lipotoxicity
- liquid smoke
- Listeria
- liver cancer
- liver disease
- liver health
- liver inflammation
- longevity
- Lou Gehrig's disease
- low-carb diets
- low-fat diets
- lung cancer
- lung health
- lupus
- lutein
- lycopene
- Lyme disease
- lymphoma
- macadamia nuts
- macrobiotic diet
- macular degeneration
- mad cow disease
- magnesium
- mammograms
- mango
- mangosteen
- maple syrup
- margarine
- marijuana
- marjoram
- massage
- matcha
- meat
- meat substitutes
- Meatless Mondays
- medical education
- medical profession
- medications
- meditation
- Mediterranean diet
- medium-chain fatty acids
- melanoma
- melatonin
- memory
- men's health
- menopause
- menstruation
- mental health
- mercury
- metabolic syndrome
- Metabolife
- metabolism
- Metamucil
- metformin
- methionine
- microbiome
- microwaving
- migraine headaches
- milk
- millet
- mindfulness
- mint
- miscarriage
- miso
- mitochondria
- mold
- monk fruit
- Monsanto
- mood
- moringa
- morning sickness
- mortality
- mosquito repellent
- mouthwash
- multiple myeloma
- multiple sclerosis
- multivitamins
- muscle health
- muscle heatlh
- muscle soreness
- muscle strength
- mushrooms
- music
- mustard greens
- mustard powder
- mustard seeds
- mycotoxins
- NAD+
- nail health
- nasal irrigation
- National Cancer Institute
- National Pork Board
- nausea
- navy beans
- nerve health
- neti pot
- Neu5Gc
- neurocysticercosis
- neuropathy
- neurotoxins
- neutropenic diet
- nitrates
- nitric oxide
- nitrite
- nitrosamines
- non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- noni fruit
- nori
- norovirus
- nutmeg
- nutrient absorption
- nutrition myths
- nutritional yeast
- nuts
- pain
- paleolithic diets
- palm oil
- palmitic acid
- pancreas health
- pancreatic cancer
- pancreatitis
- pandemics
- parasites
- paratuberculosis
- Parkinson's disease
- parsley
- pasta
- PCBs
- pea milk
- peaches
- peanut butter
- peanuts
- pears
- peas
- pecans
- penis cancer
- penis health
- pepper
- peppermint
- peppermint oil
- peppers
- periodontal disease
- peripheral artery disease
- persistent organic pollutants
- pesticides
- petroleum jelly
- pets
- pH
- PhIP
- phosphate additives
- phosphorus
- phthalates
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- phytates
- phytic acid
- phytoestrogens
- phytonutrients
- phytosterols
- pickled vegetables
- pine nuts
- pinto beans
- pistachios
- pizza
- placebo effect
- plant protein
- Plant-Based Diets
- plastic
- plums
- pneumonia
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- polyphenols
- polyps
- pomegranate juice
- pomegranates
- popcorn
- poppy seeds
- pork
- portobello mushrooms
- potassium
- potassium chloride
- potassium sorbate
- potato chips
- potatoes
- poultry
- pre diabetes
- prebiotics
- prediabetes
- pregnancy
- Premarin
- premenstrual syndrome
- prenatal vitamins
- preservatives
- pressure cooking
- Prevotella
- prion disease
- Pritikin
- probiotics
- processed foods
- processed meat
- Prop 65
- prostate cancer
- prostate health
- protein
- protein powder
- Prozac
- prunes
- psoriasis
- psyllium
- puberty
- pumpkin
- pumpkin seeds
- purines
- putrescine
- saccharin
- safety limits
- safflower oil
- saffron
- salads
- salmon
- Salmonella
- salsa
- salt
- sardines
- saturated fat
- sauerkraut
- sausage
- schizophrenia
- Sci-Hub
- sciatica
- scurvy
- sea vegetables
- seafood
- seaweed
- second meal effect
- seeds
- seizures
- selenium
- semaglutide
- serotonin
- sesame oil
- sesame seeds
- sexual function
- sexual health
- shark cartilage
- shiitake mushrooms
- short-chain fatty acids
- side effect
- side effects
- Sjögren’s syndrome
- skim milk
- skin cancer
- skin health
- sleep
- sleeping pills
- smoking
- smoking cigarettes
- smoothies
- soda
- sodium
- sodium lauryl sulfate
- sorbitol
- sorghum
- soup
- soy
- soy milk
- soy sauce
- soybean oil
- soybeans
- spearmint
- sperm counts
- spices
- spicy food
- spinach
- spirulina
- Splenda
- split peas
- sports drinks
- sports medicine
- sprouts
- squash
- St. John's Wort
- standard American diet
- staph infection
- statins
- steak
- stearic acid
- stents
- steroids
- stevia
- stomach cancer
- stomach health
- stomach inflammation
- stomach ulcers
- stool size
- strawberries
- strawbrries
- stress
- stroke
- subsidies
- sucralose
- sugar
- suicide
- sulfites
- sulforaphane
- sunburn
- sunflower oil
- sunflower seeds
- sunlight
- sunscreen
- supplements
- surgery
- sushi
- sweet potatoes
- Sweet'N Low
- sweeteners
- Swiss chard
- syncope
- tamoxifen
- tanning beds
- tapeworms
- tarragon
- tart cherries
- tea
- tea tree oil
- telomerase
- telomeres
- tempeh
- testicular cancer
- testicular health
- testosterone
- The Plant Paradox
- thiamine
- throat cancer
- throat health
- thyroid
- thyroid cancer
- thyroid health
- tick bites
- titanium dioxide
- tobacco
- tofu
- tomato juice
- tomato sauce
- tomatoes
- tongue scraping
- toothpaste
- toxoplasma
- trans fat
- trans fats
- tremors
- triglycerides
- triphala
- tryptophan
- tuna
- turkey
- turmeric
- type 1 diabetes