If you are interested in any of our open volunteer positions below, we strongly encourage you to apply for them. Please also consider subscribing to our Nutrition Mission Newsletter. Thank you for your consideration and support!

Article Retrieval Volunteer Team

We are cultivating a motivated and detail-oriented team of article retrievers to help us locate academic journal articles for our upcoming videos so others may benefit from this important, life-saving information. Apply Now.

Video Translation Volunteer Team

Additional support needed for: Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese

Use your strong background in professional translation to create translated subtitles for NutritionFacts.org videos and help make this life-saving information exponentially more accessible to people all over the world. Apply Now.

Chinese Blog Editor Volunteer

Edit Simplified Chinese video transcripts into blogs to be posted on our Chinese Social Media. Apply Now.

Spanish Health Support Volunteer

We are cultivating a skilled team of volunteers with a medical and/or nutrition background who can help us respond to questions in the comments section of our Spanish Instagram, and promote a welcoming and engaging environment. Apply Now.

What else can I do to support NutritionFacts?

We’re glad you asked! Below, you can find a variety of actions you can take at any time to help spread the evidence-based nutrition word and make the world a healthier place.

Also, check out our blog on Ten (Free!) Ways You Can Support the Work of Dr. Greger and NutritionFacts.

  • Add a link to NutritionFacts.org in your email signature. Whenever you send an email, there will be an opportunity to invite someone new!
    Example: Check out NutritionFacts.org for the latest in clinical nutrition research.
  • Get a friend started with eating healthier by encouraging them to sign up for the Daily Dozen Digest for 11 weeks of Daily Dozen support emails to help them Do the Dozen with ease!
  • If you own a copy of any of Dr. Greger’s books, take a creative photo of it (or with it!) and share it on social media with the hashtag #HowNotToDie.
  • Order an Outreach Poster and get permission to post it in a public place where lots of people will see it. Or you can order Outreach Cards and hand them out to people who are interested in learning more.
  • Ask your friends on social media if they would like to borrow your copy of one of Dr. Greger’s books. Make sure you get it back!
  • Call your local library or health food store and ask if they can carry Dr. Greger’s books if they don’t already. You can also consider donating a used copy to your local community library.
  • Share one of our daily videos on Facebook. Videos are posted and playable directly on our Facebook on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with English and Spanish subtitles.
  • Suggest to your favorite local restaurant to carry How Not to Die or one of Dr. Greger’s other books if they sell them. If they agree to do it, send us a photo!

  • Follow us on social media:


Spanish (Official Website)

Chinese (More details here)

  • Are you a part of a book club or interested in starting one? Suggest How Not to Die as the next book to read!
  • Have another favorite health or nutrition-oriented website? Chime in on a discussion with a topical NutritionFacts videopodcast, or blog.

  • ¡Comparte nuestro nueva página en español con tus amigos, familiares o comunidades de habla hispana! Nos dicen constantemente que esta información no es fácil conseguirla en español así que, esperamos que sea útil para aquellos que desean llevar una alimentación más saludable. (¡Las traducciones y ediciones son realizadas por voluntarios activos y casi todo lo que encuentras en la página en inglés lo encontrarás traducido!). Y por cierto, ¡el libro best seller del Dr. Michael Greger Comer para no morir está disponible en español!

  • Donate to help keep NutritionFacts going and growing.
  • If you’re already a supporter, ask your employer if they will match your donations to NutritionFacts.org. Many employers do!
  • Host a social fundraiser by visiting this page and clicking “Become a Fundraiser.” From celebrating a birthday, honoring a loved one, making a wedding registry gift option, or even as a way to support an athletic challenge you are undertaking, you can help us raise funds in any way you wish!

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