What happens to the antioxidant content of seeds, grains, and beans when you sprout them?
Antioxidants Sprouting Up
Nota del Doctor
I’ve been looking for this kind of study for years, and am excited to share it! Homemade sprouts are probably the most nutrition-per-unit-cost we can get for our money. See Biggest Nutrition Bang for Your Buck, where they beat out the previous champ, purple cabbage. Broccoli sprouts are probably the best; see, for example, The Best Detox and Sulforaphane: From Broccoli to Breast. However, I would recommend against alfalfa sprouts (even when home-sprouted); fecal bacteria from manure can hide in the seeds’ nooks and crannies, and cause illness (see Don’t Eat Raw Alfalfa Sprouts). Sprouted lentils are one of my favorite snacks—give them a try, and let me know what you think!
For further context, check out my associated blog post: Are Microgreens Healthier?
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