Smoking vs. Kale Juice

The effect of kale juice on LDL and HDL cholesterol, and the antioxidant capacity of...

The Best Detox

The most powerful natural inducer of our liver's detoxifying enzyme system is sulforaphane, a phytonutrient...

Lung Cancer Metastases & Broccoli

The anti-proliferative effects of cruciferous vegetable phytonutrients may decrease the metastatic potential of lung cancer,...

Flax and Fecal Flora

The trillions of good bacteria in our gut can be thought of as an additional...

El café y el cáncer

El consumo de café está asociado a una moderada reducción de la incidencia total de...

Poultry and Penis Cancer

The largest study to date on poultry workers found a significantly increased risk of dying...

Poultry and Paralysis

A neuropathic strain of the fecal bacteria Campylobacter, found in poultry, can trigger Guillain-Barré syndrome,...

The Safer Cinnamon

There are four common types of cinnamon: Vietnamese, Chinese (cassia), Indonesian, and Ceylon (true) cinnamon....

Preventing COPD with Diet

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is now the third leading cause of death. The good news...

Treating COPD with Diet

Dietary interventions, including increasing fruit and vegetable intake and decreasing meat intake, may not only...

Cheese Mites and Maggots

Cheese manufacturers use spider-like insects and fly larvae to impart particular flavors and aromas to...

Skim Milk and Acne

Three Harvard studies linking acne with dairy consumption in adolescent girls and boys blamed the...

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