¿Es peligroso comer hongos crudos?
El microondas podría ser la manera más eficiente de reducir los niveles de agaritina en los hongos.
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Linda
El microondas podría ser la manera más eficiente de reducir los niveles de agaritina en los hongos.
Los emulsionantes son los aditivos alimentarios más utilizados. ¿Qué le están haciendo a nuestro microbioma intestinal?
La respuesta de la industria a la queja de que los cereales de desayuno para niños tienen demasiado azúcar.
La mayoría de las fábricas de suplementos examinadas no seguían las pautas de buenas prácticas para su fabricación.
¿Cómo debemos analizar los datos contradictorios existentes para humanos sobre la relación entre el aspartamo y el linfoma no hodgkiniano, el mieloma múltiple, la leucemia y el cáncer de páncreas?
Los medicamentos promotores del crecimiento anatómico en el proceso de la producción de carne son, sin ninguna duda, las hormonas más potentes presentes en el suministro de alimentos.
¿Cuántos casos de cáncer se estima que son causados por la Coca Cola y Pepsi en Nueva York en comparación con California, donde existe una ley (Pro 65) sobre el etiquetado de carcinógenos?
¿Qué efecto tienen los edulcorantes artificiales como la sucralosa (Splenda), sacarina (Sweet & Low), aspartamo (Nutrasweet) y acesulfamo K (Sweet One) en nuestras bacterias intestinales?
Los químicos ignífugos PBDE en el suministro de comida podrían contribuir al déficit cognitivo y de atención en niños.
Sulfur dioxide preservatives in dried fruit, sulfites in wine, and the putrefaction of undigested animal protein in the colon can release hydrogen sulfide, the rotten egg gas associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
Los esteroides sexuales que se encuentran naturalmente en los productos animales probablemente exceden los impactos hormonales de los contaminantes químicos que alteran el sistema endocrino.
La razón por la que las bebidas con edulcorantes artificiales se han asociado con la depresión podría ser las alteraciones psicológicas recientemente vinculadas al aspartamo.
How can we protect our tooth enamel from the erosive natural acids found in sour foods and beverages?
El pienso para peces y pollos contaminado con toxinas del lodo de alcantarillados causa una exposición de dioxinas en personas a través del pollo, los huevos y el bagre.
Arsenic-containing drugs intentionally added to poultry feed to reduce the parasite burden and pinken the meat are apparently converted by cooking into carcinogenic inorganic arsenic compounds.
A diferencia de otros agentes anti-cancerosos, los fitatos que se dan de forma natural en alimentos integrales de origen vegetal pueden activar la diferenciación de las células cancerosas, haciendo que su comportamiento se revierta a aquel de las células normales.
The artificial food coloring Red No. 3 has yet to be banned—despite its purported role in causing thousands of cases of thyroid cancer.
Concern that one of the most commonly-consumed food colorings may cause cancer has led to changes in soft drink formulation in California.
The vast majority of chicken and poultry products are injected with phosphorus preservatives, which are often not listed in the ingredients. Reducing one’s intake of meat, junk food, fast food, and processed cheese may help lower intake until labeling is mandated.
The phosphorus preservatives injected into poultry may not just be an arterial toxin. They also appear to dramatically increase the growth of food poisoning Campylobacter bacteria.
The consumption of phosphorus preservatives in junk food, and injected into meat, may damage blood vessels, accelerate the aging process, and contribute to osteoporosis.
In response to definitive evidence showing artificial colors may increase inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity among young children, a call has been made by consumer groups to ban food dyes.
The artificial butter flavoring diacetyl has been linked not only to deaths of workers handling the chemical, but also to serious lung disease in consumers of microwave popcorn.
Carrageenan is a food additive used as a thickener and fat substitute in a variety of dairy and nondairy products. Concerns about potential intestinal tract damage are placed in the context of dietary consequences.
People eating conventional diets may ingest a trillion microparticles of the food-whitening additive, titanium dioxide, every day. What implication might this have for inflammation in the gut?
Human beings lost the ability to detoxify uric acid millions of years ago. What implications does this have for our health today?
Reportes de casos de pacientes con dolor crónico por fibromialgia que se han sanado eliminando el edulcorante artificial aspartamo (Nutrasweet®) de sus dietas.
Given their inherent resistance to food-poisoning bacteria, maggots can be used to create an antibacterial food additive to increase the safety of the meat supply.
Bacteria-eating viruses (bacteriophages) have been approved as meat additives to reduce the risk of Listeria and Campylobacter found in processed meat and poultry products, but there’s a concern they could spread toxin genes between bacteria.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is now the third leading cause of death. The good news is that. in addition to smoking cessation, there are dietary interventions that can help prevent COPD.
There are four common types of cinnamon: Vietnamese, Chinese (cassia), Indonesian, and Ceylon (true) cinnamon. Which is safest in terms of the level of coumarin, which may damage the liver at toxic doses?
How meat scientists justify their promotion of foods associated with cancer risk.
The addition of vitamin C to processed (cured) meats such as bacon may actually make them more carcinogenic.
The levels of nitrosamines—considered the most carcinogenic agents in cigarette smoke—were recently measured in an array of processed meats including chicken, turkey, and pork.
Phytonutrients, such as vitamin C, prevent the formation of nitrosamines from nitrites—which explains why adding nitrite preservatives to processed meat can be harmful, but adding more vegetables, with their nitrite-forming nitrates, to our diet can be helpful.
The nitrite preservatives in processed meats such as bologna, bacon, ham, and hot dogs form carcinogenic nitrosamines, but also reduce the growth of botulism bacteria—forcing regulators to strike a balance between consumers risking cancer, or a deadly form of food poisoning.
Nitrites in processed meat form nitrosamines, a class of potent carcinogens found in cigarette smoke, which may explain why hot dog consumption has been associated with the two leading pediatric cancers, brain tumors and childhood leukemia.
If the nitrates in vegetables such as greens are health-promoting because they can be turned into nitrites, and then nitric oxide, inside our bodies, what about the nitrites added to cured meats—such as bacon, ham, and hot dogs?
Is the preservative used to prevent mold growth in foods such as cheese, yogurt, wine, dried meat, pickles, apple cider, and many herbal dietary supplements harmful for humans?
¿De inofensiva a beneficiosa?