Cavities and Coronaries: Our Choice
Coronary heart disease, our #1 cause of death, was found to be almost non-existent in a population eating a diet centered around whole plant foods.
Coronary heart disease, our #1 cause of death, was found to be almost non-existent in a population eating a diet centered around whole plant foods.
Las alubias enlatadas son convenientes pero, ¿son tan nutritivas como las cocinadas en casa? Y, si usamos alubias enlatadas, ¿deberíamos escurrirlas o no?
Una de las razones por las que el consumo de soja está asociado con mayor supervivencia y tasas de recurrencia más bajas en pacientes con cáncer de mama, puede ser porque los fitonutrientes de la soja parecen mejorar la expresión de genes BRCA supresores de tumores.
Los norteamericanos que llevan una dieta sin carne, ni pescado, ingieren de media una mayor cantidad de casi todos los nutrientes, mientras que mantienen un peso corporal menor, tal vez debido a su mayor indice metabólico en reposo.
Too much choline—a compound concentrated in eggs and other animal products—can make bodily secretions smell like rotting fish, and may increase the risk of heart disease, due to conversion in the gut to trimethylamine.
The beef industry designed a study to show that a diet containing beef was able to lower cholesterol—if one cuts out enough poultry, pork, fish, and cheese to halve one’s total saturated fat intake.
Las dietas a base de plantas tienden a ser alcalinas. Esto puede ayudar a proteger la masa muscular, y reducir el riesgo de gota y cálculos renales. El pH de nuestra orina se puede estimar con pigmentos naturales, utilizando la química de la cocina.
The decades-old dogma that the acid-forming quality of animal protein leads to bone loss has been called into question.
La reducción de la relación de proteína animal a vegetal en las dietas de los hombres podría retrasar la progresión del cáncer de próstata.
Las dietas basadas en plantas pueden demostrar ser una estrategia nutricional útil en el control del crecimiento del cáncer, así como en la prolongación de la esperanza de vida, ya que son dietas bajas en metionina.
La restricción de metionina -que obtiene mejor con una dieta basada vegetales- puede tener un gran impacto en pacientes con cáncer porque, a diferencia del tejido normal, muchos tumores humanos requieren el aminoácido metionina para crecer.
A higher rate of cancer deaths among those that handle and process meat is attributed to infection with viruses, and chronic exposure to animal proteins.
Changing food perceptions and incorporating puréed vegetables into entrees can improve the dietary quality of kids and grown-ups.
Aquellos que comen dietas más a base de vegetales pueden tener naturalmente un sistema mejorado de defensas antioxidantes, para contrarrestar el daño en el ADN causado por los radicales libres producidos por el ejercicio de alta intensidad.
El Dr. Greger ha examinado minuciosamente la literatura académica mundial sobre nutrición clínica y creó esta nueva presentación en vivo sobre lo más reciente en investigación de vanguardia acerca de cómo una alimentación sana puede influir en algunas de nuestras condiciones médicas más comunes.
Most children don’t drink water from when they wake up to when they go off to school. Interventional trials show this mild state of dehydration may negatively affect scholastic performance.
¿Qué sucede cuando hombres con cáncer de próstata y neoplasia prostática intraepitelial (PIN) siguen una dieta relativamente baja en grasas suplementada con semillas de lino molidas?
Plant-based diets in general, and certain plant foods in particular, may be used to successfully treat Parkinson’s disease—in part, by boosting L-DOPA levels.
El inicio temprano de la pubertad en las niñas asociado con el consumo de proteína animal podría deberse a un químico contaminante que perturba el sistema endocrino que se encuentra en el suministro de carne.
Los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos en los vapores que se liberan durante la cocción de la carne podrían ser nocivos para el desarrollo del feto y aumentar el riesgo de cáncer.
The boost in detoxifying enzymes triggered by cruciferous vegetable consumption may last for weeks!
Garlic and flavonoid phytonutrients found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains appear to protect against DNA damage induced by mutagenic chemicals found in cooked meat.
Using the cooked meat carcinogen PhIP to turn normal breast cells cancerous, researchers explore the use of green tea to interrupt this malignant transformation.
Even vegetarians could potentially be exposed to the carcinogens typically formed by cooking meat through eggs, cheese, creatine sports supplements, and cigarette smoke.
The foreign meat molecule Neu5Gc builds up in human tumors and atherosclerotic plaques, and may play an inflammatory role in the progression of both diseases.
A research group is suggesting that human protein requirements may have been underestimated.
Why is the intake of animal protein associated with heart disease—even independent of saturated fat—and the intake of plant protein protective?
Of all animals, the bodies of insects may have the lowest saturated fat content.
Se presenta un argumento evolutivo de una dieta a base de vegetales en comparación con las dietas ”paleo” de moda.
To maintain the low IGF-1 levels associated with a plant-based diet, one should probably eat no more than 3-5 servings of soy foods a day.
Vegans consuming 7 to 18 servings of soy foods a day may end up with circulating IGF-1 levels comparable to those who eat meat.
While animal proteins increase levels of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1, and most plant proteins bring levels down, “high quality” plant proteins, such as soy, may not significantly affect levels in either direction. This, however, may depend on the quantity consumed.
The reason animal proteins trigger the release of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1 more than plant proteins may be because the relative ratios of amino acids in animal proteins more closely resembles our own.
Animal protein consumption triggers the release of the cancer-promoting growth hormone IGF-1.
Meat consumption is not only associated with weight gain, but specifically abdominal obesity, which is the most metabolically concerning.
The secret to naturally boosting serotonin levels in the brain may include eating foods such as pumpkin seeds, with a high tryptophan-to-total protein ratio. This may help explain why studies show that those eating plant-based diets have superior mood states.
Contrary to popular belief, the consumption of animal foods may actually decrease tryptophan levels in the brain. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, can boost transport across the blood-brain barrier, which has been used to explain premenstrual cravings.
La muerte en los EE. UU. es, en gran medida, una enfermedad alimentaria. El Dr. Greger, enfocándose en estudios publicados durante el año anterior, en revistas médicas revisadas por pares, ofrece recomendaciones prácticas sobre cómo alimentarnos nosotros mismos y a nuestras familias, para prevenir, tratar e incluso revertir muchas de las 15 principales causas de muerte en los Estados Unidos.
A Consumer Reports investigation into the safety of protein supplements found that more than half exceed the California Prop 65 Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act action levels.
Harvard study found that men and women eating low carb diets live significantly shorter lives, but what about the “eco-Atkins diet,” a plant-based, low carbohydrate diet?