Chicken Salmonella Thanks to Meat Industry Lawsuit
The meat industry sued the federal government, winning the right to sell food known to be contaminated with food-poisoning bacteria.
The meat industry sued the federal government, winning the right to sell food known to be contaminated with food-poisoning bacteria.
Foster Farms chicken may have infected and sickened more than 10,000 people, due to contamination of the meat with fecal material.
Organic produce may present less of a food safety risk, given the potential contamination of pesticides with fecal pathogens.
Un elegante experimento es descrito en el que la sangre de personas comiendo diferentes tipos de especias -como clavo, jengibre, romero, y cúrcuma- se pone a prueba para medir su capacidad anti-inflamatoria.
El nivel de contaminación por bacterias multiresistentes a antibióticos es comparado entre la carne de animales criados tradicionalmente y la carne con certificado ecológico proveniente de animales criados sin darles antibióticos.
Comer carne o huevos antes del embarazo podría aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar diabetes gestacional.
Yellow plant pigments, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, build up in the back of our eyes to protect our retinas against age-related macular degeneration. Levels of these eyesight–saving nutrients in organic free-range eggs, vegetables, and goji berries are compared.
The carotid arteries of those eating plant-based diets appear healthier than even those just as slim (long-distance endurance athletes who’ve run an average of 50,000 miles).
Even nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day may not reach the minimum recommended intake of antioxidants if one doesn’t make the right choices.
If the bulk of fast food chicken nuggets is not actually chicken meat, what’s in them?
The vast majority of chicken and poultry products are injected with phosphorus preservatives, which are often not listed in the ingredients. Reducing one’s intake of meat, junk food, fast food, and processed cheese may help lower intake until labeling is mandated.
The phosphorus preservatives injected into poultry may not just be an arterial toxin. They also appear to dramatically increase the growth of food poisoning Campylobacter bacteria.
The consumption of phosphorus preservatives in junk food, and injected into meat, may damage blood vessels, accelerate the aging process, and contribute to osteoporosis.
Phytonutrients in certain plant foods may block the toxic effects of industrial pollutants, like dioxins, through the Ah receptor system.
Los norteamericanos que llevan una dieta sin carne, ni pescado, ingieren de media una mayor cantidad de casi todos los nutrientes, mientras que mantienen un peso corporal menor, tal vez debido a su mayor indice metabólico en reposo.
La colina podría ser la razón por la que el consumo de huevos se asocia con la progressión del cáncer de próstata y la muerte.
Too much choline—a compound concentrated in eggs and other animal products—can make bodily secretions smell like rotting fish, and may increase the risk of heart disease, due to conversion in the gut to trimethylamine.
The beef industry designed a study to show that a diet containing beef was able to lower cholesterol—if one cuts out enough poultry, pork, fish, and cheese to halve one’s total saturated fat intake.
The decades-old dogma that the acid-forming quality of animal protein leads to bone loss has been called into question.
Cambios simples en la dieta y el estilo de vida podrían cuadriplicar el índice de supervivencia para mujeres con cáncer de mama.
La reducción de la relación de proteína animal a vegetal en las dietas de los hombres podría retrasar la progresión del cáncer de próstata.
A plant-based diet may not only be the safest treatment for multiple sclerosis; it may also be the most effective.
La restricción de metionina -que obtiene mejor con una dieta basada vegetales- puede tener un gran impacto en pacientes con cáncer porque, a diferencia del tejido normal, muchos tumores humanos requieren el aminoácido metionina para crecer.
A higher rate of cancer deaths among those that handle and process meat is attributed to infection with viruses, and chronic exposure to animal proteins.
Cancer-causing viruses in poultry may explain increased risks of death from liver and pancreatic cancers.
Changing food perceptions and incorporating puréed vegetables into entrees can improve the dietary quality of kids and grown-ups.
Aquellos que comen dietas más a base de vegetales pueden tener naturalmente un sistema mejorado de defensas antioxidantes, para contrarrestar el daño en el ADN causado por los radicales libres producidos por el ejercicio de alta intensidad.
The Director-General of the World Health Organization warns that we may be facing an end to modern medicine as we know it—thanks, in part, to the mass feeding of antibiotics to farm animals to accelerate growth.
Las afirmaciones de la industria del huevo acerca de la seguridad de los huevos fueron halladas evidentemente falsas, incorrectas y engañosas por la Corte de Apelaciones de EE. UU.
Dioxins, endocrine disrupting pollutants, heavy metals, saturated fat, and steroids in the meat supply may be affecting sperm counts, semen quality, and the ability of men to conceive.
Cranberries may reduce the recurrence of urinary tract infections, but their role in treating infections is limited.
Handling chicken can lead to the colonization of one’s colon with antibiotic-resistant E. coli that may result in bladder infections in women.
A more plant-based diet may help prevent vaginal infections, one of the most common gynecological problems of young women.
Un ensayo clínico aleatorio en fase II sobre la capacidad de las fresas para revertir la progresión a cáncer esofágico.
When measured on a cost-per-serving, cost-per-weight, or cost-per-nutrition basis, fruits and vegetables beat out meat and junk food.
Ampliando la temática de mi próxima participación en “El Show del Dr. Oz”, un nuevo artículo hito en el New England Journal of Medicine muestra que la colina en huevos, carne de ave, lácteos, y carne de pez produce el mismo OTMA tóxico que la carnitina en la carne roja, lo que puede ayudar a explicar la protección que proporciona una dieta basada en plantas ante enfermedades cardíacas y cáncer de próstata.
Plant-based diets appear to offer relief from a variety of menstrual symptoms, including cramping, bloating, and breast pain (cyclical mastalgia).
Two theories about the buildup of subcutaneous fat, involving the chemical spermine and the hormone adiponectin, suggest a plant-based diet may help with cellulite.
Cientos de miles de estadounidenses son intoxicados cada año por la salmonella presente en las aves de corral, sin embargo, sigue siendo legal vender carne de aves, así esté contaminada.
El inicio temprano de la pubertad en las niñas asociado con el consumo de proteína animal podría deberse a un químico contaminante que perturba el sistema endocrino que se encuentra en el suministro de carne.