Male Fertility & Diet
Dioxins, endocrine disrupting pollutants, heavy metals, saturated fat, and steroids in the meat supply may be affecting sperm counts, semen quality, and the ability of men to conceive.
Dioxins, endocrine disrupting pollutants, heavy metals, saturated fat, and steroids in the meat supply may be affecting sperm counts, semen quality, and the ability of men to conceive.
Based on studies of atomic bomb survivors, Chernobyl victims, and airline pilots exposed to more cosmic rays at high altitudes, it appears that fruits and vegetables may decrease radiation-induced chromosome damage.
A more plant-based diet may help prevent vaginal infections, one of the most common gynecological problems of young women.
Though prebiotics may be preferable, probiotics may reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract infections.
Black raspberries may cause complete clinical regression of precancerous oral lesions (oral intraepithelial neoplasia).
Un ensayo clínico aleatorio en fase II sobre la capacidad de las fresas para revertir la progresión a cáncer esofágico.
When measured on a cost-per-serving, cost-per-weight, or cost-per-nutrition basis, fruits and vegetables beat out meat and junk food.
Ampliando la temática de mi próxima participación en “El Show del Dr. Oz”, un nuevo artículo hito en el New England Journal of Medicine muestra que la colina en huevos, carne de ave, lácteos, y carne de pez produce el mismo OTMA tóxico que la carnitina en la carne roja, lo que puede ayudar a explicar la protección que proporciona una dieta basada en plantas ante enfermedades cardíacas y cáncer de próstata.
Two theories about the buildup of subcutaneous fat, involving the chemical spermine and the hormone adiponectin, suggest a plant-based diet may help with cellulite.
Las mujeres jóvenes con alto riesgo de cáncer de mama que recibieron sólo una cucharadita de linaza molida al día mostraron un menor número de cambios precancerosos.
La ingesta inadecuada de fibra parece ser un factor de riesgo para el cáncer de mama, lo cual explica por qué las mujeres con dietas a base de vegetales pueden tener un riesgo menor.
¿Qué sucede cuando hombres con cáncer de próstata y neoplasia prostática intraepitelial (PIN) siguen una dieta relativamente baja en grasas suplementada con semillas de lino molidas?
Rooibos (red) tea may reduce stress levels by suppressing adrenal gland function. Nettle tea is mineral-rich, but may have estrogenic side effects.
Those eating more sour fruit may risk greater erosion of their tooth enamel (especially if teeth are brushed in a softened state), but there’s a simple solution.
Plant-based diets may help protect against oral cancer and periodontal (gum) disease, a leading cause of tooth loss.
The boost in detoxifying enzymes triggered by cruciferous vegetable consumption may last for weeks!
Garlic and flavonoid phytonutrients found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains appear to protect against DNA damage induced by mutagenic chemicals found in cooked meat.
Eating fiber-containing foods—especially nuts—during adolescence may significantly lower the risk of developing potentially precancerous fibrocystic breast disease (fibroadenomas).
Which was associated with lowest breast cancer risk in African-American women? Apples, bananas, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, collard greens, grapefruit, oranges, spinach, tomatoes, or sweet potatoes?
Plant-based diets appear to decrease inflammation via a variety of mechanisms—including boosting our adrenal gland function, due to the consumption of potassium rich foods.
Increasing the intake of potassium-rich foods is associated with a significantly lower stroke risk.
Less than 2% of Americans achieve even the recommended minimum adequate intake of potassium, due primarily to inadequate plant food intake.
What dietary intervention may significantly protect against wrinkles in the crow’s foot area around the eyes?
Some foods appear protective against the development of skin wrinkles—while others may make them worse.
Gerson Therapy is a largely diet-based alternative treatment for cancer. What have 65 years of medical research concluded about its efficacy and safety?
If the antioxidant amino acid ergothioneine does indeed turn out to be an essential nutrient, what are the best dietary sources?
Exclusive breastfeeding for a full six months may, ironically, improve our children’s taste for vegetables—whereas children fed formula grow up with increased rates of inflammatory diseases such as asthma, cancer, and diabetes.
Chlorophyll, the most ubiquitous plant pigment in the world, may protect our DNA against mutation by intercepting carcinogens.
Todos los varones deberían considerar comer una dieta sana para la próstata, que incluye legumbres (alubias, guisantes, lentejas, soja); ciertas verduras (como ajos y cebollas); ciertas semillas (semillas de lino); y evitar granos refinados, huevos, y productos avícolas.
A workplace dietary intervention study at GEICO corporate headquarters demonstrates the power of plant-based eating.
Within a matter of weeks, participants placed on the vegan diet outlined by the prophet Daniel experienced improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol and insulin levels, insulin resistance, and C-reactive protein levels, a marker of inflammation within the body.
Researchers set out to replicate the “Daniel Fast”—the biblical nutrition trial outlined in Daniel 1:8-16.
Meat consumption is not only associated with weight gain, but specifically abdominal obesity, which is the most metabolically concerning.
The water content of plant foods may help explain why those eating plant-based diets are, on average, so slim. Can ice be thought of as having even “fewer” calories than water, since the body has to warm it up?
Tryptophan is the precursor to the “happiness hormone” serotonin, so why not take tryptophan supplements to improve mood and relieve symptoms of depression?
La muerte en los EE. UU. es, en gran medida, una enfermedad alimentaria. El Dr. Greger, enfocándose en estudios publicados durante el año anterior, en revistas médicas revisadas por pares, ofrece recomendaciones prácticas sobre cómo alimentarnos nosotros mismos y a nuestras familias, para prevenir, tratar e incluso revertir muchas de las 15 principales causas de muerte en los Estados Unidos.
The whole grain phytonutrient phytic acid (phytate) partially inhibits mineral absorption, but has a wide range of health-promoting properties, such as anticancer activity. By concurrently eating mineral absorption enhancers, such as garlic and onions, one can get the best of both worlds by improving the bioavailability of iron and zinc in plant foods.
Measuring the effects of a plant-based diet on the expression of hundreds of different genes at a time, a research group found that an antioxidant-rich portfolio of plant foods such as berries, pomegranates, purple grapes, red cabbage, oregano, and walnuts was able to significantly modify the regulation of genes in the blood of volunteers.
Plant-based diets help prevent cancer not only by blocking DNA damage, but by increasing our DNA repair enzymes’ ability to repair any damage that gets by our first line of antioxidant defense.
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties of white compared to yellow and purple potatoes. Purple potatoes may also help lower high blood pressure.