Adrenal Fatigue: What It Is and How to Treat It
Embraced by naturopaths, functional medicine, and anti‐aging doctors, does so-called adrenal fatigue even exist?
Embraced by naturopaths, functional medicine, and anti‐aging doctors, does so-called adrenal fatigue even exist?
What have more than 100 studies on Wi-Fi and human brain wave modulation found?
The effects of cell phone radiation on sleep quantity and quality.
What effect does mobile phone radiation have on your parotid gland?
There have been at least 46 studies involving more than a thousand people to see if those suffering from electrosensitivity are deluding themselves.
What impact might cell phone and Bluetooth radiation have on the inner ear?
The World Health Organization concluded that cell phone radiation may cause brain tumors, but what about effects on cognitive function?
Should laptops not be on laps? What is the effect of WiFi exposure on sperm motility and DNA damage?
What is the effect of cell phone radiation on sperm motility and DNA damage?
What does the world’s leading authority on carcinogens have to say about mobile phones?
Do mobile phones cause brain tumors? Whenever a trillion-dollar industry is involved—whether it’s Big Food, Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, or Big Telecom—there’s so much money that the science can get manipulated.