Is FDA-Approved Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe?
As of 2019, there are urine-free FDA-approved bioidentical hormones that skirt the standardization concerns of compounded preparations. Are they any safer?
As of 2019, there are urine-free FDA-approved bioidentical hormones that skirt the standardization concerns of compounded preparations. Are they any safer?
DHEA levels naturally decline with age. Does replenishing youthful levels have restorative effects?
Sun exposure is associated with lower rates of 15 different cancers and improved cancer survival. What happened when vitamin D supplements were put to the test?
Women were placed in harm’s way by their physicians, who acted as unsuspecting patsies for the drug companies.
When it comes to breast cancer risk, does the phytoestrogen in beer act more like the animal estrogens in Premarin or the protective phytoestrogens in soy?
Do compounded bioidentical hormones for menopause carry the same risks as conventional hormone replacement drugs, such as Premarin?
Mushrooms may help prevent breast cancer by acting as an aromatase inhibitor to block breast tumor estrogen production.