Does Increasing Protein Intake Slow Age-Related Muscle Mass Loss?
Adding extra protein to the diets of older men and women is put to the test.
Adding extra protein to the diets of older men and women is put to the test.
Those who eat spicy foods regularly tend to live longer, but is it cause-and-effect?
I answer common questions about supplements, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Do we need them?
Soy is put to the test for the treatment of prostate cancer.
What is the optimal source and amount of protein for senior citizens?
Plant-based diets may prove to be a useful nutrition strategy in both cancer growth control as well as lifespan extension, because these diets are naturally lower in methionine.
To maintain the low IGF-1 levels associated with a plant-based diet, one should probably eat no more than 3-5 servings of soy foods a day.
A Consumer Reports investigation into the safety of protein supplements found that more than half exceed the California Prop 65 Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act action levels.