May 4, 2015 How to Make Your Own Fruit & Vegetable Wash Commercial fruit and vegetable washes fail to work better than tap water, but there is...
May 1, 2015 Are Organic Foods Safer? Organic food consumption appears to reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
April 29, 2015 Are Organic Foods More Nutritious? There appear to be no consistent differences in the level of vitamins and minerals in...
April 27, 2015 Bowel Wars: Hydrogen Sulfide vs. Butyrate Sulfur dioxide preservatives in dried fruit, sulfites in wine, and the putrefaction of undigested animal...
April 24, 2015 How to Prevent High Blood Pressure with Diet High blood pressure, the #1 killer risk factor in the world, may be eliminated with...
April 22, 2015 Antioxidants and Depression Neither antioxidant or folic acid supplements seem to help with mood, but the consumption of...
April 20, 2015 Cholesterol Crystals May Tear Through Our Artery Lining Crystallization of cholesterol may be what causes atherosclerotic plaque rupture, the trigger for heart attacks
April 17, 2015 What Percent of Americans Lead Healthy Lifestyles? Death row nutrition offers some insight into the standard American diet.
April 15, 2015 C. difficile Superbugs in Meat Why does the United States appear to have the highest level of C. diff contamination...
April 13, 2015 Formula for Childhood Obesity Feeding infants cow’s milk formula may adversely alter metabolic programming.
April 10, 2015 How to Prevent a Stroke Insufficient intake of fiber-rich foods may lead to the stiffening of our arteries associated with...
April 8, 2015 Diabetes as a Disease of Fat Toxicity The “twin vicious cycles” explain how the buildup of fat in the cells of our...