October 26, 2020 The Optimal Vitamin B12 Dosage for Adults Why the current Recommended Daily Allowance for vitamin B12 may be insufficient.
October 23, 2020 Flashback Friday: Do Cell Phones Lower Sperm Counts? & Does Laptop WiFi Lower Sperm Counts? What is the effect of cell phone radiation and WiFi exposure on sperm motility and...
October 21, 2020 The Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency B12 deficiency is known as “The Great Masquerader.”
October 19, 2020 The Effects of Marijuana on Car Accidents Did traffic fatalities go up or down after cannabis legalization?
October 16, 2020 Flashback Friday: Who Shouldn’t Eat Soy? How can soy foods have it both ways, pro-estrogenic effects in some organs that can...
October 14, 2020 Optimizing Water Intake to Lose Weight Two cups of cold water on an empty stomach a few times a day for...
October 12, 2020 What Is the Safest Metabolism Booster? Drink two cups of water and you can get a surge of the adrenal hormone...
October 9, 2020 Flashback Friday: Why Is Nutrition So Commercialized? Why is the field of nutrition often more about marketing products than educating people about...
October 7, 2020 The Effect of Drinking Water on Adrenal Hormones Drinking water can be such a safe, simple, effective way to prevent yourself from fainting.
October 5, 2020 How to Get the Weight Loss Benefits of Ephedra Without the Risks The diving reflex shows that it’s possible to have selective adrenal hormone effects.
October 2, 2020 Flashback Friday: What’s the “Natural” Human Diet? What can our nutrient requirements, metabolism, and physiology tell us about what we should be...
September 30, 2020 The Role of Epigenetics in the Obesity Epidemic Astonishingly, a baby with a heavy surrogate mother and a thin biological mom may harbor...