Answers to featured health and nutrition questions provided by Michael Greger M.D. FACLM and the Volunteer Moderators. Questions are taken from the video and blog comments throughout the site. Join in the discussion to get your question featured!

Vitamin D Spray

Is the new vitamin D3 spray a waste of money?

Dr. Greger — have you heard about the new vitamin D3 spray? What is your opinion — helpful? Harmful? Waste of money? Thanks! vfayes / Originally posted on Vitamin D supplements may be necessary Answer: Based on their current pricing, supplementing with that product...
Anticancer Effects of Raw vs Cooked Garlic and Onion

How To Use Garlic Preserving Its Anti-Cancer Effects?

  Garlic has a range of potential health benefits, and ranks among the top vegetables in reducing cancer risk.   Does Garlic Prevent Cancer? As I discuss in my video #1 Anticancer Vegetable, garlic has been shown to completely stop cancer growth...
Does Adding Baking soda to soaking beans reduce raffinose

Does Adding Baking Soda to Soaking Beans Reduce Gas?

  Beans straddle both the protein and the vegetable food groups. They’re loaded with protein, iron, and zinc, as you might expect from other protein sources like meat, but legumes also contain nutrients that are concentrated in the vegetable kingdom, including fiber,...
How Much Fruit is Safe

How much fruit is safe to consume?

Thank you for this fantastic, resourceful website. I’m a bit confused on how much fruit is safe to consume. The study you quote here says it’s healthy but there are other well known Doctors who say one should not consume more than...
Preventing further development of macular degeneration

Can restricting high glycemic foods help macular degeneration?

Are you familiar with research linking high glycemic foods with incidence of macular degeneration? (NY Times reported on a 7/07 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.) Is there any reason to believe that restricting high glycemic foods, adding in vinegar, or...
GMOs and decreased nutrition in our foods

Are GMOs safe and are the nutrients in our crops declining?

Please discuss GMOs and decreased nutrition in our foods. Mary Ellen / Originally posted on Nutrition education in medicine: A doctor a day keeps the apples away Answer: This answer is from 2012. Please see our more recent videos on GMOs here: For...
Frozen vs Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit versus frozen–which is better?

Are there published studies providing evidence about the efficacy of frozen fruit (vs fresh)? What are viable sources of acai in the US? Sambozan adds soy lecitihin to their acai product. evanbrand Answer: I found two good studies comparing fresh to frozen fruit. One on strawberries...
Vitamin D supplemented in Tuberculosis Cases

Can Vitamin D supplements help prevent respiratory infections?

Your attention to Vitamin D is very relevant these months, also to the huge discussion about the use of Vitamin D supplementation in Tuberculosis in developing countries. filippodibari / Originally posted on Evolutionary argument for optimal vitamin D level Answer: Vitamin D is thought...

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