I’m thrilled to announce that The How Not to Diet Cookbook is now available for preorder for everyone on your holiday gift list! If you have my first one, The How Not to Die Cookbook, you’ll recognize the one-and-only Robin Robertson joined me again to develop over 100 whole food, plant-based recipes inspired by cuisines around the world. Here’s a tiny sample of what’s in my new cookbook:
- Red Bean and Butternut Caldo Verde
- Thai Green Papaya Salad
- Zucchini Linguini with Mushroom-Lentil Bolongese
- Jicama Nachos
- Black Forest Chia Pudding
Not only is every recipe health-promoting, but every ingredient of every recipe is healthful. All recipes are composed of 100% Green-Light ingredients. But how do you make things sweet without sugar? Salty without salt? Those were some of the challenges that made creating the cookbook so much fun!
Specific to the 21 Tweaks for evidence-based weight loss I detailed in How Not to Diet, recipes include the foods that act as fat blockers and fat burners, and starch blockers and appetite suppressants, such as black cumin, vinegar, and my prebiotic BROL mixture. The recipes that meet my “negative calorie” preloading criteria are clearly marked. If you haven’t read How Not to Diet yet, grab a copy from your local library or wherever you buy or borrow your books.
Preorder your copy of my new cookbook today, and books will be arriving December 8, just in time for the holidays and your New Year, New You resolutions.
Get a Signed Bookplate
For a limited time, donate any amount to NutritionFacts.org using this form to receive a signed bookplate to put in your copy as a thank you gift. The bookplates also make a great keepsake for any of your copies of How Not to Diet, How Not to Die, or The How Not to Die Cookbook. All proceeds go to keeping the 501(c)3 nonprofit organization NutritionFacts growing and going. Donate today since this form will only be up until my hand cramps up. :)
Videos on Plant-Based Meats Available for Download
Thank you to everyone who joined my recent webinar, The Human Health Implications of Plant-Based and Cultivated Meat for Pandemic Prevention and Climate Mitigation. The high-quality digital download of the videos from that webinar is now available on DrGreger.org. These videos will eventually be on NutritionFacts.org for free, but if you don’t want to wait, you can get them right now.
New Comment Platform Coming Soon

Just Ask Alexa!
A company called Wellian has developed an Alexa app that lets you tap into NutritionFacts.org’s information straight from your Alexa device. Simply subscribe, activate the app, and ask questions like “What causes heart disease?” or “How to improve my immune system?” Learn more about Wellian with Alexa. I can’t wait to try it!
Doctor and Dietitian Q&A
Join me for another live Instagram Q&A with one of my favorite dietitians and dearest friends, Julieanna Hever.
Head over to the NutritionFacts.org Instagram page on 9/18 at 3pm ET to get the answers to your health and nutrition questions.
Do Vegetarians Really Have Higher Stroke Risk?
The first study in history on the incidence of stroke of vegetarians and vegans suggests they may be at higher risk.
Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—B12 & Homocysteine?
Not taking B12 supplements or regularly eating B12 fortified foods may explain the higher stroke risk found among vegetarians.
Flashback Friday: Coconut Oil and Abdominal Fat
What does a review of the evidence on the effects of coconut oil on weight loss and belly fat find?
Live Q&A on Sept 24
Every month I do a live Q&A from my treadmill, and this month Sept 24 is the day.
Join on our Facebook page or YouTube channel at 3pm ET. I’ll be streaming to both at the same time!
You can now find links to all of my past live Q&As here on NutritionFacts.org. If that’s not enough, remember I have an audio podcast to keep you company at nutritionfacts.org/audio.
In health,
Michael Greger, M.D.
PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my free videos here and watch my live, year-in-review presentations:
- 2019: Evidence-Based Weight Loss
- 2016: How Not To Die: The Role of Diet in Preventing, Arresting, and Reversing Our Top 15 Killers
- 2015: Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Dreaded Diseases with Diet
- 2014: From Table to Able: Combating Disabling Diseases with Food
- 2013: More Than an Apple a Day
- 2012: Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death