Is the Dukan Diet safe?

Dukan Diet: America’s Low Carb Craze

Image Credit: alanagkelly / Flickr

I feel sorry for people’s bodies if they are on the Dukan Diet. Logic is clearly out the window when it comes to weight loss diet desperation.

 wickedchicken / Originally posted on Plant protein preferable


The Dukan Diet appears to be a European spin-off of the Atkins Diet. The UK National Health Service just highlighted that the Dukan Diet is the fad diet to avoid this holiday season, citing the British Dietetic Association’s conclusion that it is “ineffective and without scientific basis.”

I wrote a whole book about these types of diets, Carbophobia: The Scary Truth Behind America’s Low Carb Craze, available free, full-text at

Image Credit: alanagkelly / Flickr

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