How much cinnamon is too much?

Toxicity from Cinnamon

Image Credit: Cinnamon Vogue / Flickr

Does the anti-oxi value decrease with age of spice (or berry)? If so, how much? Second, how much is “toxic”? I heard taking more than 1-2 tbsns of cinnamon a day could be toxic. Is one hurting oneself if one takes 2 tbs of all the above mentioned spices a day?

Evan Brand / Originally posted below Antioxidants in a pinch


Please see my videos Oxalates in Cinnamon in terms of dosing and  The Safer Cinnamon, which compares the safety of the four common types of cinnamon:

  • Cinnamomum verum (“True cinnamon,” Sri Lanka cinnamon or Ceylon cinnamon)
  • Cinnamomum burmannii (Korintje or Indonesian cinnamon)
  • Cinnamomum loureiroi (Saigon cinnamon or Vietnamese cinnamon)
  • Cinnamomum aromaticum (cassia or Chinese cinnamon)

I’m working on a followup video for 2013 to review new evidence that Ceylon cinnamon may not be as effective in lowering blood sugar than the more concerning cassia.

Image credit: CINNAMON VOGUE / Flickr

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