Could a low-salt diet be bad for your heart?

Heart Health issues with a low-salt diet

Image Credit: Leonid Mamchenkov/ Flickr

Hello Dr. Greger, I was curious about your take on a new report of a recent study ( that appears to demonstrate possible heart health issues with a low-salt diet (increases cholesterol, increases fat, increases hormone levels). It also appears to be adding to previous studies showing similar results. Thanks for any information you can provide.

maybush1 / Originally posted on Dietary guidelines: with a grain of Big Salt


None of the studies over 4 weeks in length noted in the review cited by that report showed any negative effects on cholesterol and in fact the American Heart Association (AHA) has just gone further and recommended that everyone shoot for 1500 mg a day (not just those at high risk). See my video Salt OK if Blood Pressure is OK?

According to the AHA, cutting American sodium intake 1,200 mg per day could lead to as many as 66,000 fewer strokes, almost 100,000 fewer heart attacks, and up to 92,000 fewer deaths despite what the salt industry would have us believe (see Dietary Guidelines: With a Grain of Big Salt and Dietary Guidelines: Pushback From the Sugar, Salt, and Meat Industries). It’s hard to get down to the recommended 1,500mg a day, though, unless one sticks to an unprocessed plant-based diet.

Image Credit: Leonid Mamchenkov / Flickr

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