How Low Should You Go for Ideal Cholesterol Levels?
Having a so-called normal cholesterol in a society where it’s normal to drop dead of a heart attack isn’t necessarily a good thing.
Having a so-called normal cholesterol in a society where it’s normal to drop dead of a heart attack isn’t necessarily a good thing.
What effect do fasting and a plant-based diet have on TBI and migraines?
What does the gut have to do with developing Parkinson’s disease?
What are the pros and cons of relative risk versus absolute risk versus number-needed-to-treat versus average postponement of death taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs?
It may not be the number of bacteria growing in your small intestine, but the type of bacteria, which can be corrected with diet.
Fasting and exercise can raise BDNF levels in our brain, but this can also be achieved by eating and avoiding certain foods.
What were the results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a half teaspoon of powdered black cumin a day in Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroiditis) patients?
Is the apparent protection of plant-based diets for thyroid health due to the exclusion of animal foods, the benefits of plant foods, or both?
How much nori, dulse, or arame approximate the recommended daily allowance for iodine?
Most plant-based milks are not fortified with iodine.
More than 95 percent of human exposure to industrial pollutants like dioxins and PCBs comes from fish, other meat, and dairy.
Miracle drug antibiotics are being squandered to compensate for the overcrowded, stressful, unhygienic conditions on factory farms.
What are the direct health implications of making clean meat—that is, meat without animals?
Switching to a plant-based diet has been shown to achieve far better outcomes than those reported on conventional treatments in both active and quiescent stages in both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Plant-based diets can be 98 percent effective in keeping ulcerative colitis patients in remission, blowing away other treatments.
What are the three sources of the liver fat in fatty liver disease and how do you get rid of it?
Rectal biopsies taken before and after eating meat determine the potentially DNA-damaging dose of heme.
What do clinical studies show about the role of heme in the formation of a class of carcinogenic compounds?
Laboratory models suggest that extreme doses of heme iron may be detrimental, but what about the effects of nutritional doses in humans? A look at heme’s carcinogenic effects.
Is heme just an innocent bystander in the link between meat intake and breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure?
Clinical trials on Quorn show that it can improve satiety and help people control cholesterol, blood sugar, and insulin levels.
What are the effects of plant-based meats on premature puberty, childhood obesity, and hip fracture risk?
What are the different impacts of plant protein versus animal protein, and do the benefits of plant proteins translate to plant protein isolates?
What happens when you compare the trans fats, saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol levels in plant-based versus animal-based burgers?
Environmental assessment of 50 different plant-based meats show them to be vastly more sustainable.
Sufficient, sustained weight loss may cut the risk of fatal heart attacks and strokes in half.
Various fasting regimens have been attempted for inflammatory autoimmune diseases such as lupus, ankylosing spondylitis, chronic urticaria, mixed connective-tissue disease, glomerulonephritis, and multiple sclerosis, as well as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.
Fasting, followed by a plant-based diet, is put to the test for autoimmune inflammatory joint disease.
Acne can be triggered in one in ten people who get vitamin B12 injections.
An entire issue of a cardiology journal dedicated to plant-based nutrition explores the role an evidence-based diet can play in the reversal of congestive heart failure.
Why don’t environmental groups advocate climate-friendlier diets?
How much greenhouse gas does the production of different foods cause measured in miles driven or lightbulb hour equivalents?
The EAT-Lancet Commission lays out the best diet for human and planetary health.
For prevention and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency, cyanocobalamin in chewable, sublingual, or liquid forms (rather than in a multivitamin) is best under most circumstances.
At age 50, everyone, regardless of diet should start supplementing with B12-fortified foods or supplements but over age 65 only high-dose daily supplements may suffice.
What are the best green-light (whole food plant-based) sources of vitamin B12?
Why the current Recommended Daily Allowance for vitamin B12 may be insufficient.
B12 deficiency is known as “The Great Masquerader.”
Is it possible to reverse type 1 diabetes if caught early enough?
Buchinger modified fasting is put to the test.