The Best Way to Boost NAD+: Supplements vs. Diet (webinar recording)
The pros and cons of all the NAD+ supplements and what are the ways to boost NAD+ naturally with diet and lifestyle?
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Randy
Injecting the human equivalent of ½ cup of ground pepper into the veins of mice can be deadly. Chinese dwarf hamsters fed the human equivalent of 300 cups of soy milk a day also did not fare very well. Acrylamide has been found to cause cancer in lab rats. Severe caloric restriction has been found to extend the lives and improve cognition of animals in laboratories. Seventy years ago, a Swedish researcher first showed that feeding mice roasted horse muscles caused cancer. Retail US beef was fed to dogs, and parasites were excreted by nearly every dog. The effects of a horsemeat based Atkins diet on rats was also studied. Blueberries have been found to improve memory in elderly rats. We now know that rats are much better at converting folic acid into folate than humans, which has public health implications. Rats fed the human equivalent of 200 lbs of avocado seeds do not fare very well. Potassium sorbate has been found to be harmless to Syrian hamsters but harmful to Chinese hamster lung cells. Research on rats found that AGEs were not absorbed very well and dietary sources were dismissed; this has not been found to be true of humans. Current cancer treatment is based on animal models. The addition to acai berries to cigarettes had a protective effect on smoking mice.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
The pros and cons of all the NAD+ supplements and what are the ways to boost NAD+ naturally with diet and lifestyle?
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An interventional trial found that dietary changes may slow or even reverse the loss of hearing.
Some studies found that higher levels of folate in the blood seem to correlate with better hearing, so researchers decided to put it to the test.
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For cancer prevention, researchers suggest “constant consumption” of anti-angiogenic foods.
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What did a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of hibiscus tea for weight loss find?
I go over randomized, controlled trials and case reports of stool transplants for various clinical conditions.
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As many as 37 percent of breast cancer cases may be attributable to exposure to bovine leukemia virus.
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