Exercise Is Medicine
The evidence supporting the overall health benefits of physical activity is overwhelming.
The evidence supporting the overall health benefits of physical activity is overwhelming.
Other than a “space headache,” what might be the downsides of sleeping at a slight head-down tilt to accelerate fat loss?
When it comes to bone health, it’s use it or lose it.
Resveratrol appears to triple the rate of age-related brain shrinkage.
Beyond the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and alkaline-forming qualities of fruits and vegetables in general, are there extra benefits our bones can get from particular produce?
Even just a single extra serving of fruits and vegetables per day is associated with lower bone fracture risk.
How rare are the bisphosphonate class of osteoporosis drugs’ devastating side effects, which ironically include bone fractures?
Doctors and patients alike vastly overestimate the power of bisphosphonate drugs to prevent fractures.
I’m happy to share the recording of my webinar on osteoporosis, which includes 11 videos and a Q&A.
Taking human growth hormone (somatotropin) may actually accelerate the aging process.
Stomach acid–blocking proton pump inhibitor drugs—PPIs with brand names like Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium, Protonix, and AcipHex—appear to significantly increase the risk of bone fractures.
In this live lecture, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his latest book, How Not to Age, a New York Times Best Seller.
A combination of resistance exercise to improve lower limb muscle strength and balance training can beat out drugs for preventing osteoporotic bone fractures.
What is the rate of yoga injuries compared to other activities?
A study using sham acupuncture underscores the necessity of controlling for expectancy effects.
A combination of low calcium intake and low vitamin D exposure may explain higher bone fracture rates in British vegans.
What are the bone fracture rates of omnivores vs. vegetarians vs. vegans?
Those eating plant-based tend to be so much slimmer that their bone mass may suffer.
Are the apparent adverse effects of heavy cannabis use on bone just due to users being skinnier?
How to preserve bone and mass on a low calorie diet.
Ketogenic diets found to undermine exercise efforts and lead to muscle shrinkage and bone loss.
Certain gut bacteria can supercharge the benefits of soy foods, resulting in even more bone protection, better control of menopausal symptoms, and lower prostate cancer risk, but how can we foster the growth of these good bacteria?
What are the effects of sodium and calcium intake on blood lead levels in pregnant and breastfeeding women?
The lead trapped in our skeleton can leach back into our bloodstream when we temporarily or permanently lose bone due to pregnancy, weight loss, menopause, or osteoporosis.
The same diet that helps regulate hormones in women may also reduce exposure to endocrine-disrupting pollutants.