Don’t Eat Too Much Nutmeg
The spice nutmeg may have a relatively narrow margin of safety.
The spice nutmeg may have a relatively narrow margin of safety.
Cinnamon can no longer be considered a safe and effective treatment for diabetes.
Raisins may be preferable to sports supplement jelly beans and commercial energy gels.
Plant-based diets may offer the best investment for dietary health.
Growing your own broccoli sprouts is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve your diet.
Fortified foods, such as some breakfast cereals and types of nutritional yeast, can provide another cholesterol-free source of vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) supplementation can cost as little as $2 a year.
Medicare is now accepting for reimbursement the Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease and the Pritikin Program, which, on a personal note, is what inspired me to go into medicine.
The mercury contamination in tuna and other fish may adversely impact future earnings by impairing brain function, and leading to a loss of intelligence (IQ).
Wood ear, crimini, oyster, Italian brown, enoki, button, stuffing, shiitake, chanterelle, and portobello mushrooms were compared to see which was best at inhibiting aromatase enzyme activity.
In the most extensive study of its kind ever published, the amount of anti-aging anticancer antioxidants is measured across thousands of different foods.