What Is the Optimal Diet?
The CHIP program has attempted to take the pioneering lifestyle medicine work of Pritikin and Ornish and spread it into the community.
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons. This image has been modified.
The CHIP program has attempted to take the pioneering lifestyle medicine work of Pritikin and Ornish and spread it into the community.
The myth that plant proteins are incomplete, necessitating protein combining, was debunked by the scientific nutrition community decades ago.
Evidence-based medicine may ironically bias medical professionals against the power of dietary intervention.
A plant-based diet may not only be the safest treatment for multiple sclerosis; it may also be the most effective.
California Senate Bill 380 to require nutrition education for physicians was passed, but not before it was gutted.
California State Senator Mark Wyland struggles between his conscience and his campaign contributor in deciding whether or not to vote for a bill that would require physicians to learn about nutrition.
Physician trade groups such as the California Medical Association came out in opposition of a bill requiring doctors to get 7 hours of nutrition training anytime before 2017.
A bill drafted by Dr. John McDougall was introduced in California to mandate that physicians get continuing medical education in nutrition.
The proportion of sushi that exceeds the national food standards guidelines for fecal bacteria levels.