Foods That Cause Inflammation
Inflammatory markers can double within six hours of eating a pro-inflammatory meal. Which foods are the worst?
Inflammatory markers can double within six hours of eating a pro-inflammatory meal. Which foods are the worst?
Learn why sorghum is one of my favorite new grains.
How does sorghum compare with other grains in terms of protein, antioxidants, and micronutrients? And the benefits of red sorghum compared to black and white varieties.
Acne can be triggered in one in ten people who get vitamin B12 injections.
Many doctors mistakenly rely on serum B12 levels in the blood to test for vitamin B12 deficiency.
We have an uncanny ability to pick out the subtle distinctions in calorie density of foods, but only within the natural range.
Ancient wheats like kamut are put to the test for inflammation, blood sugar, and cholesterol control.
In this live presentation, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his book How Not to Diet.
Were the flax seed studies showing 20 pounds of weight loss just flukes?
Ground ginger and ginger tea are put to the test for blood sugar control.
In this video, I explain my traffic light system for ranking the relative healthfulness of Green Light vs. Yellow Light vs. Red Light foods.
What is the role of dairy- and yeast-exclusion diets on arresting and reversing an inflammatory autoimmune disease?
How might beans, berries, and intact (not just whole) grains reduce colon cancer risk?