Dr. Greger in the Kitchen: My New Favorite Dessert
Dr. Greger whips up some matcha ice cream inspired by a recipe in his How Not to Die Cookbook.
Dr. Greger whips up some matcha ice cream inspired by a recipe in his How Not to Die Cookbook.
How much green, white, black, and oolong tea can we consume before the benefits of tea start to be countered by the risks of lead contamination for children, pregnant women, and adults in general?
Hibiscus tea elevates the antioxidant level of one’s bloodstream within an hour of consumption.
The antioxidant content of a number of popular beverages is compared: black tea, coffee, Coke, espresso, grape juice, green tea, hibiscus (Jamaica flower) tea, milk, Pepsi, Red Bull, red tea, red wine, and white wine. Which beats out even powdered (matcha) green tea?