Fish Consumption and Suicide
The mercury content in fish may help explain links found between fish intake and mental disorders, depression, and suicide.
The mercury content in fish may help explain links found between fish intake and mental disorders, depression, and suicide.
One week on a plant-based diet can significantly drop blood levels of homocysteine, a toxin associated with cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Without vitamin B12 supplementation, though, a long-term plant-based diet could make things worse.
Endocrine-disrupting industrial toxins in the aquatic food chain may affect genital development of boys and sexual function in men.
Organic food consumption appears to reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Foods of animal origin (especially fish) appear to be the most important source of human exposure to industrial pollutants such as alkylphenol xenoestrogens.
The consumption of blueberries and strawberries is associated with delayed cognitive aging by as much as 2.5 years—thought to be because of brain-localizing anthocyanin phytonutrients, as shown on functional MRI scans.
Two kiwi fruit an hour before bedtime may improve sleep quality and duration, without the side effects associated with sleeping pills.
Death in America is largely a foodborne illness. Focusing on studies published just over the last year in peer-reviewed scientific medical journals, Dr. Greger offers practical advice on how best to feed ourselves and our families to prevent, treat, and even reverse many of the top 15 killers in the United States.
There’s a rare toxin, called domoic acid, that can turn up in tuna and other seafood and cause anterograde amnesia, the loss of short-term memory popularized in the movie Memento.
Vegetarians appear to get more of a cognitive boost than meat-eaters from creatine supplementation.
Caffeine has positive cognitive and physiological effects at moderate doses.
Different fruits and vegetables appear to support different cognitive domains of the brain, so both variety and quantity are important.