Do Vegans Have Lower Bone Density and More Fractures?
What are the bone fracture rates of omnivores vs. vegetarians vs. vegans?
What are the bone fracture rates of omnivores vs. vegetarians vs. vegans?
How Dr. Greger pressure steams his greens.
Given their oxalate content, how much is too much spinach, chard, beet greens, chaga mushroom powder, almonds, cashews, star fruit, and instant tea?
Even though dietary oxalates may have a limited effect on kidney stone risk in most people, there are some predisposing factors that can put anyone at risk.
Avocados, greens, and lutein and zeaxanthin supplements are put to the test for improving cognitive function.
What is the best source of lutein, the primary carotenoid antioxidant in the brain?
What dietary intervention may significantly protect against wrinkles in the crow’s foot area around the eyes?
Chlorophyll, the most ubiquitous plant pigment in the world, may protect our DNA against mutation by intercepting carcinogens.
If nitrates can boost athletic performance and protect against heart disease, which vegetables have the most—beans, bulb vegetables (like garlic and onions), fruiting vegetables (like eggplant and squash), greens (such as arugula), mushrooms, root vegetables (such as carrots and beets), or stem vegetables (such as celery and rhubarb)?
Which are the gentlest cooking methods for preserving nutrients, and which vegetables have more antioxidants cooked than raw?