How to Treat High Blood Pressure with Diet
The first-line treatment for hypertension is lifestyle modification, which often includes the DASH diet. What is it and how can it be improved?
The first-line treatment for hypertension is lifestyle modification, which often includes the DASH diet. What is it and how can it be improved?
Decreasing animal protein and sodium intake appears more effective in treating calcium oxalate and uric acid kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) than restricting calcium or oxalates.
Immunocompromised patients, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, are often denied fresh fruits and vegetables to ostensibly protect them against foodborne illness.
Less than 3% of Americans meet the daily recommended fiber intake, despite research suggesting high-fiber foods such as whole grains can affect the progression of coronary heart disease.
Based on the potential benefits of proper hydration such as reduced bladder cancer risk, how many cups of water should we strive to drink every day?
Which foods should we eat and avoid to prevent and treat acid reflux before it can place us at risk for Barrett’s esophagus and cancer?
Which plant and animal foods are associated with the development of multiple myeloma, and what effect might the spice turmeric have on the progression of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance?
If we increased our consumption of conventionally-produced fruits and vegetables, how much cancer would be prevented versus how much cancer might be caused by the additional pesticide exposure?
Commercial fruit and vegetable washes fail to work better than tap water, but there is a cheap do-it-yourself solution that may completely eliminate certain pesticide residues.
There appear to be no consistent differences in the level of vitamins and minerals in organic versus conventionally grown produce, but organic fruits and vegetables have more phenolic phytonutrients.
Sulfur dioxide preservatives in dried fruit, sulfites in wine, and the putrefaction of undigested animal protein in the colon can release hydrogen sulfide, the rotten egg gas associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
High blood pressure, the #1 killer risk factor in the world, may be eliminated with a healthy enough diet.
Neither antioxidant or folic acid supplements seem to help with mood, but the consumption of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and folate-rich beans and greens may lower the risk for depression.
Death row nutrition offers some insight into the standard American diet.
Insufficient intake of fiber-rich foods may lead to the stiffening of our arteries associated with risk of having a stroke.
The negative impact of red meat on our cholesterol profile may be similar to that of white meat.
Does the threshold for toxicity of fructose apply to fruit or just to added industrial sugars such as sucrose and high fructose corn syrup?
Is whole grain consumption just a marker for healthier behaviors, or do whole grains have direct health benefits?
What are the four problematic nutritional aspects of even plant-based Mediterranean diets?
Does just reducing one’s intake of meat, dairy, and eggs significantly reduce mortality?
Of all the components of a healthy Mediterranean diet, which are associated with a longer lifespan?
What was it about the diet on the Greek isle of Crete in the 1950s that made it so healthy?
Fermentation of fiber in the gut may help explain the dramatic differences in colorectal cancer incidence around the world.
Why don’t authorities advocate a sufficient reduction in cholesterol down to safe levels?
Employee wellness programs may help boost the corporate bottom line.
The Paleolithic period represents just the last two million years of human evolution. What did our bodies evolve to eat during the first 90% of our time on Earth?
If foods like berries and dark green leafy vegetables have been found protective against cognitive decline, why aren’t they recognized as such in many guidelines?
Since many tumors take decades to grow it’s remarkable that cancer risk can so dramatically be reduced– even late in life.
The American Heart Association came up with seven simple lifestyle goals to combat the leading killer of men and women: heart disease.
American Institute for Cancer Research recommendation compliance associated not only with cancer prevention and survival but less heart and respiratory disease mortality and a longer lifespan.
Diets centered around whole plant foods may help prevent Crohn’s disease through the benefits of fiber on the maintenance of intestinal barrier function and the avoidance of certain processed food additives such as polysorbate 80.
Plant-based diets appear to protect against renal cell carcinoma both directly and indirectly.
The deleterious effects of a Paleolithic diet appear to undermine the positive effects of a Crossfit-based high-intensity circuit training exercise program.
Chicken consumption is associated with more weight gain than other meat.
Dr. Walter Kempner was a pioneer in the use of diet to treat life-threatening chronic disease, utilizing a diet of mostly rice and fruit to cure malignant hypertension and reverse heart and kidney failure.
The yellow fluid around tomato seeds appears to suppress platelet activation without affecting blood clotting. This anti-inflammatory effect may explain why eating tomato products is associated with lower cardiac mortality.
The role of the Mediterranean diet in preventing and treating dementia.
So much of the information about genetically modified crops is wrong—on both sides of the debate. What does the best available evidence have to say about the human health implications of Bt corn?
The movement to remove fast food operations from hospitals parallels the successful movement in the 80s to bar hospital tobacco sales.
The ongoing global drop in male fertility may be associated with saturated fat intake and lack of sufficient fruits and vegetables.