Fasting and Cancer Webinar

Fasting and Cancer Webinar Fasting and Cancer Webinar

Program Information

Date: October 25th, 2019 2:00 pm EDT


In July, thousands of people joined me for my first webinar on fasting, something I knew next to nothing about, until I did this deep dive into the medical literature for you. There are, by my count, 1,527 articles on fasting in English-language peer-reviewed scientific journals, and I read every single one of them so you… don’t have to.

It took me about two years on and off trying to fit it around all my other work, but I knew this was an important topic for people so I soldiered on and compiled all the best science into 41 videos which I will drip out on over the next few years, but for those who don’t want to wait I decided to do a series of webinars so I can go through them all at once and answer questions throughout.

This is the third 3-hour webinar I’m offering on all the latest and greatest research on fasting. The first webinar covered intermittent fasting, time-restricted feeding, and water-only fasting for weight loss. The second webinar covered fasting for high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, depression, irritable bowel disease, diabetes, and more. In this final webinar, I focus on fasting cancer as both an adjunct to chemotherapy and as a potential treatment in and of itself. Here are the topics I’m going to cover:

  • How Effective is Chemotherapy
  • How Much Does Chemotherapy Improve Survival
  • Fasting for Cancer: What about Cachexia?
  • Fasting During Chemotherapy and Radiation
  • Fasting During Chemotherapy Put to the Test
  • Fasting-Mimicking Diet During Chemotherapy
  • What to Eat After a Cancer Diagnosis
  • A Case of Stage 3 Cancer Reversal with Fasting
  • Spontaneous Regression of Cancer with Fasting
  • Fasting to Detox
  • How to Die a Good Death
  • VSED: The Benefits of Fasting for Life Termination
  • VSED: The Downsides of Fasting for Life Termination

All of the information will eventually be available for free on, but if you don’t want to wait, you can hear it all now by joining me in this live webinar to get all your questions answered.

Missed the Webinar?

Get a copy of the webinar, Fasting and Cancer as a digital download on for $20.00!

Or own all three fasting webinars, in one bundle, by clicking here.

Full Webinar

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   All of the content was extremely useful. Dr. G is the best teacher, even via the web, I have ever listened to. Clear, engaging, personable, passionate, patient and very interesting.

   It is a very cool feeling that there are over 500 people around the globe, who are interested in nutrition and want to know even more. So keep up the good work.

   Dr. Greger did a fantastic job bringing his genius knowledge down to my level. I learned so much on all the ways to research effectively, thoroughly and truthfully. He was fantastic! He went over aspects enough times for me to get what he was talking about. So he didn't go too fast. He went just at the right pace. He did it with humor and fascination on a subject that can be tedious, he made it an adventure. I really appreciate all the work and planning that went into the four hours! Can't wait for him to do it again on another subject!

   This course is worth so much money and a huge value to those particularly in university and research. Thank you so much for your time and efforts!

   Dr. Greger is a rare treasure and his educational style is engaging. Thank you all!

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