Should Everyone Consider Taking the Anti-Aging Drugs Metformin and Rapamycin?
Webinar + Q&A

Program Information
Date: June 14th, 2024 2:00 pm EDT
Duration: 1.5 hours
Metformin is a drug that boosts the anti-aging enzyme AMPK, and rapamycin is a drug that suppresses the pro-aging enzyme mTOR. Metformin is so powerful that, compared to individuals without diabetes, people with diabetes who take metformin live longer. Rapamycin is considered a universal anti-aging drug, extending lifespan in every animal tested. Both drugs are off-patent, inexpensive, and widely available. Do the potential upsides outweigh the risks?
Full Webinar
All of the content was extremely useful. Dr. G is the best teacher, even via the web, I have ever listened to. Clear, engaging, personable, passionate, patient and very interesting.
It is a very cool feeling that there are over 500 people around the globe, who are interested in nutrition and want to know even more. So keep up the good work.
Dr. Greger did a fantastic job bringing his genius knowledge down to my level. I learned so much on all the ways to research effectively, thoroughly and truthfully. He was fantastic! He went over aspects enough times for me to get what he was talking about. So he didn't go too fast. He went just at the right pace. He did it with humor and fascination on a subject that can be tedious, he made it an adventure. I really appreciate all the work and planning that went into the four hours! Can't wait for him to do it again on another subject!
This course is worth so much money and a huge value to those particularly in university and research. Thank you so much for your time and efforts!
Dr. Greger is a rare treasure and his educational style is engaging. Thank you all!